Official Helpful API library client for ruby
This library is generated by alpaca
Make sure you have rubygems installed
$ gem install helpful
Works with [ 1.8.6 / 1.8.7 / 1.9.1 / 1.9.2 / 1.9.3 / 2.0.0 / 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 ]
require "helpful"
# Then we instantiate a client (as shown below)
Using this api without authentication gives an error
auth = { :username => 'pksunkara', :password => 'password' }
client =, client_options)
client ='1a2b3', client_options)
auth = { :client_id => '09a8b7', :client_secret => '1a2b3' }
client =, client_options)
The following options are available while instantiating a client:
- base: Base url for the api
- api_version: Default version of the api (to be used in url)
- user_agent: Default user-agent for all requests
- headers: Default headers for all requests
- request_type: Default format of the request body
All the callbacks provided to an api call will receive the response as shown below
response = client.klass('args').method('args', method_options)
# >>> 200
# >>> {'x-server' => 'apache'}
When the response sent by server is json, it is decoded into a hash
# >>> {'user' => 'pksunkara'}
The following options are available while calling a method of an api:
- api_version: Version of the api (to be used in url)
- headers: Headers for the request
- query: Query parameters for the url
- body: Body of the request
- request_type: Format of the request body
Set request_type in options to modify the body accordingly
When the value is set to raw, don't modify the body at all.
body = 'username=pksunkara'
# >>> 'username=pksunkara'
When the value is set to json, JSON encode the body.
body = {'user' => 'pksunkara'}
# >>> '{"user": "pksunkara"}'
These are like organizations which use Helpful.
accounts = client.accounts()
All the accounts the user has access to
response = accounts.all(options)
Get an account the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- account_id: Identifier of the account
response = accounts.get("b3ebe711-755e-4a91-b8d2-0cc028827bcf", options)
Update an account the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- account_id: Identifier of the account
response = accounts.update("b3ebe711-755e-4a91-b8d2-0cc028827bcf", options)
People who operate or interacted with the account
people = client.people()
List all people in the account the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- account_id: Identifier of the account
response = people.all("b3ebe711-755e-4a91-b8d2-0cc028827bcf", options)
Conversations in an account
conversations = client.conversations()
List all conversations in an account the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- account_id: Identifier of the account
response = conversations.all("b3ebe711-755e-4a91-b8d2-0cc028827bcf", "false", options)
Create an empty conversation in account the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- account_id: Identifier of the account
response = conversations.create("b3ebe711-755e-4a91-b8d2-0cc028827bcf", options)
Get a conversation the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- conversation_id: Identifier of the conversation
response = conversations.get("10ce24de-23f6-433f-9a71-255cffffa96f", options)
Messages in a conversation
messages = client.messages()
Get a message the user has access to
The following arguments are required:
- message_id: Identifier of the message
response = messages.get("33314e4e-baf5-4b33-be72-112ed86701fd", options)
Here is a list of Contributors
Report here.
Pavan Kumar Sunkara ([email protected])