This PAM modules enabled you to use AuthMe to login your servers and protect them from password breaches.
To build, either use the build scripts or use these commands:
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
Build the PAM module
gcc -fPIC -lcurl -fno-stack-protector -c src/authme_pam.c
sudo ld -lcurl -x --shared -o /lib/security/ authme_pam.o
The first command builds the object file in the current directory and the second links it with PAM. Since it's a shared library, PAM can use it on the fly without having to restart.
Build Test
g++ -o pam_test src/authme_pam_test.c -lpam -lpam_misc
gcc -o pam_test src/authme_pam_test.c -lpam -lpam_misc
The test program is valid C, so it could be compiled using gcc or g++.
PAM module for Linux x64 (tested with ubuntu 14.04/16.04/16.10)
The users on the system will me mapped to the domain. So if my linux account username is "user1
" and authme pam is configured with domain
", then swipe will go to [email protected]
AuthMe will not proceed for root users. Have explicitly disabled it for username: root
It is recommended to use new set of api keys for each installation. You can generate any number of keys from Authme
The flow will go to other auth(password) mechanism if swipe failed.
- Copy
if it doesn't already exists)
scp /lib/security/ root@<YOUR_MACHINE_IP>:/lib/security/
- Enable AuthMe in PAM
nano /etc/pam.d/common-auth
Add this line
auth sufficient apikey=<API-KEY> apisecret=<API-SECRET> baseurl=
- Enable Challenge Response Authentication for SSH
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change line
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
- Restart sshd
service ssh restart
I found these resources especially helpful:
These guides give brief overviews about PAM and how to write modules. This is useful if you already have a little knowledge.
Good example for simple authentication. I adapted this one in my simple PAM module.
2-factor authentication & writing PAM modules
Gives an example program that uses PAM. I adapted this for testing my PAM module.