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Code and models for the paper presented at EMNLP 2020.


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Code used for running experiments in the research paper:

MADUREIRA, Brielen & SCHLANGEN, David. Incremental Processing in the Age of Non-Incremental Encoders: An Empirical Assessment of Bidirectional Models for Incremental NLU. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.

Check the pdf in this repository.

What is this repository for?

We can use this code to train a neural encoder and use it either for sequence tagging or sequence classification with 10 task/dataset combinations. After training, it retrieves the incrementality evaluation metrics in the test set. Two special configurations may be added: truncated training (we sample a length to use only a prefix of each sentence during training) and prophecies (we use GPT-2 language model to generate 'prophecies' for each prefix of the sequence, and feed this hypothetical continuation to the encoder during the estimation of incrementality metrics).

How do I get set up?

Set up

Specific Python installations:

  • PyTorch (v. 1.3.1)
  • pytorch-crf (v. 0.7.2) to add a CRF layer on top of our neural network
  • seqeval (v. 0.0.12) to estimate F1 score in BIO labeling scheme
  • transformers (v. 2.5.1) to generate prophecies and use BERT model
  • nltk (v. 3.4.5) for tokenization of generated prophecies
  • comet_ml if you want to log information of your experiment (optional)

If you want to use comet_ml, first include your api_key, project name and workspace on line 76 in

Download GloVe pre-trained embeddings here and unzip it in the main folder (replacing the currently empty glove.6B folder here).

Download data

For ATIS and SNIPS, we use the preprocessed data made available by E et al. (2019).

Preprocessing is needed to put them in the following format:

  • Sequence tagging:

token \t label \n token \t label \n with an extra \n between sequences.

  • Sequence classification:

: atis_airfare \n token \n token \n with an extra \n between sequences.

See examples in the data directory.

Prepare data

As it is, the code can run experiments on:

  • Sequence tagging
    • chunk, CoNLL 2000 (chunk)
    • named entity recognition, OntoNotes5.0, WSJ part (ner_nw_wsj)
    • pos tagging, OntoNotes5.0, WSJ part (pos_nw_wsj)
    • semantic role labeling, OntoNotes5.0, WSJ part (srl_nw_wsj)
    • slot filling, ATIS or SNIPS (atis_slot, snips_slot)
  • Sequence classification
    • Sentiment (proscons or sent_negpos)
    • intent , ATIS or SNIPS (atis_intent, snips_intent)

If you have a new file, include the name in lines 65-69 in, to specify whether it is a tagging or classification task and which evaluation function should the system use during training.

Data has to be split into three files (data/train/train., data/valid/valid. and data/test/test.), where is one of the names in parenthesis above. All of them must follow the format above.

Generate prophecies

Call the script generate_gpt2_prophecies to generate the dictionary of prophecies for each task before evaluating the incremental metrics with prophecies. It is necessary to pass the name of the task/file as an argument: --task NAME_OF_YOUR_TASK

How to run tests

Use --help to check all possible arguments.

--task TASK type of task: snips_slot snips_intent, atis_slot, atis_intent, chunk, proscons, srl_nw_wsj, pos_nw_wsj, ner_nw_wsj, sent_negpos

--only_training train model only, no incrementality evaluation

--comet_track log data to

--truncated_training sample truncated inputs during training

--device DEVICE choose a specific device

--outliers OUTLIERS len above which sentences are ignored

--model MODEL type of LSTM: vanilla_lstm, vanilla_bilstm, lstm_crf, bilstm_crf, bert-base-{cased, uncased}

--dim_emb DIM_EMB dimenstion of word embeddings

--dim_hid DIM_HID dimension of hidden layer

--nlayers NLAYERS number of lstm layers

--epochs EPOCHS training iterations over dataset

--batch_size BATCH_SIZE batch size

--lr LR initial learning rate

--clip CLIP size of gradient for clipping, 0 for no clipping

--dropout DROPOUT dropout probability

--no_glove do not use GloVe embeddings

--freeze do not update GloVe embeddings during training

Citing this paper

    title = "Incremental Processing in the Age of Non-Incremental Encoders: An Empirical Assessment of Bidirectional Models for Incremental {NLU}",
    author = "Madureira, Brielen  and
      Schlangen, David",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.26",
    pages = "357--374",

Who do I talk to?

Brielen Madureira

[email protected]


Code and models for the paper presented at EMNLP 2020.







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