Pearson Android app lets us read books offline, but it doesn't allow us to export the pdf.
Note: Please don't use this for piracy.
sudo apt install android-tools-adb
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The book you wish to extract must be downloaded / offline in the Pearson Library Android app.
Two modes of operation root and no-root, default is no-root.
Root mode: Device must be rooted! . Pulls pdf from /data/data/ using adb, will skip if file already exist.
No-root mode: Uses adb backup to make backup of the app and extract the books from the backup.
run this script as follows:
python3 [--root] [--no-rename] [-k] [-o path]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--root root method to extract pdf.
-o path output dir
--no-rename dont rename pdf using metadata.
--rm-corrupt remove corrupt pdf files
Default location for extracted books is 'books'.
The script will try to rename the books using the pdf metadata by default , however it may not work always.