The mobile robot able to perform full slam with the help of rtabmap-ros.
If you are working with a native ROS installation or using a VM, some of the following package might need to be installed. You could install them as shown below:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rtabmap-ros
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
Launch the simulation environment using
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
Note: The simulation environment used in this project is much smaller and design specifically to allow fast convergence of rtab-map. Rtab-map use texture of the environment to detect the mapping location, therefore, for simulation purpose, the world is redesigned with different texture in each room and difference object is being place orderly in different room to avoid repetitive texture and object.
To move the robot around
$ roslaunch teleop_twist_keyboard teleop.launch
Launch the rtabmap
$ roslaunch my_robot mapping.launch
Following link is to download the done rtabmap for the project.
Provided you have downloaded above link and put it inside /my_robot
and you could use it to perform localization.
$ roslaunch my_robot localization.launch
- Send move command via