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SetTokenCreator is a smart contract used to deploy new SetToken contracts. The SetTokenCreator is a Factory contract that is enabled by the controller to create and register new SetTokens.


function create( address[] memory _components, int256[] memory _units, address[] memory _modules, address _manager, string memory _name, string memory _symbol ) external onlyOwner returns (address)

Creates a SetToken smart contract and registers the SetToken with the controller. The SetTokens are composed of positions that are instantiated as DEFAULT (positionState = 0) state. Administrative function only called by owner.

  • _components List of addresses of components for initial Positions
  • _units List of units. Each unit is the # of components per 10^18 of a SetToken
  • _modules List of modules to enable. All modules must be approved by the Controller
  • _manager Address of the manager
  • _name Name of the SetToken
  • _symbol Symbol of the SetToken
  • address Address of the newly created SetToken


The IntegrationRegistry holds state relating to the Modules and the integrations they are connected with. The state is combined into a single Registry to allow governance updates to be aggregated to one contract.


function addIntegration( address _module, string memory _name, address _adapter) public

Add a new Integration to registry, integration is an entity which represents external components e.g. uniswap. Administrative function only called by owner.

  • _module The address of the module associated with the integration i.e. TradeModule, SingleIndexModule
  • _name Human readable string identifying the integration
  • _adapter Address of the adapter contract to add


function batchAddIntegration(address[] memory _modules, string[] memory _names, address[] memory _adapters) external

Like previous function call batchAddIntegration adds integrations in mass to the registry. Administrative function only called by owner.

  • _modules Array of addresses of the modules associated with integration
  • _names Array of human readable strings identifying the integration
  • _adapters Array of addresses of the adapter contracts to add


function editIntegration(address _module, string memory _name, address _adapter) public

Modify an already added integration

  • _module The address of the module associated with the integration
  • _name Human readable string identifying the integration
  • _adapter Address of the adapter contract to edit


function removeIntegration(address _module, string memory _name) external

Remove an existing integration on the registry. Administrative function only called by owner.

  • _module The address of the module associated with the integration
  • _name Human readable string identifying the integration


function getIntegrationAdapter(address _module, string memory _name) external view returns (address)

Get integration adapter address which have been already added on the registry associated with passed human readable name.

  • _module The address of the module associated with the integration
  • _name Human readable adapter name
  • return Address of adapter


function isValidIntegration(address _module, string memory _name) external view returns (bool)

Check if adapter is valid i.e. added on the registry

  • _module The address of the module associated with the integration
  • _name Human readable string identifying the integration
  • return Boolean indicating if valid


Module that enables issuance and redemption functionality on a SetToken. This is a module that is required to bring the totalSupply of a Set above 0.


Deposits the SetToken's position components into the SetToken and mints the SetToken of the given quantity to the specified _to address.

function issue( ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _quantity, address _to) external 
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken contract
  • _quantity Quantity of the SetToken to mint
  • _to Address to mint SetToken to


Redeems the SetToken's positions and sends the components of the given quantity to the caller.

function redeem(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _quantity, address _to) external
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken contract
  • _quantity Quantity of the SetToken to redeem
  • _to Address to send component assets to


Initializes this module to the SetToken with issuance-related hooks. Hooks are like callbacks that are called after issuance. Only callable by the SetToken's manager. Hook addresses are optional. Address(0) means that no hook will be called. This function is a must call after SetToken creation in order to enable the module to operate on it.

function initialize(ISetToken _setToken, IManagerIssuanceHook _preIssueHook) external
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken to issue
  • _preIssueHook Instance of the Manager Contract with the Pre-Issuance Hook function


Retrieves the addresses and units required to mint a particular quantity of SetToken.

function getRequiredComponentUnitsForIssue( ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _quantity ) public view returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory)
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken to issue
  • _quantity Quantity of SetToken to issue
  • return address[] List of component addresses
  • return uint256[] List of component units required to issue the quantity of SetTokens


Module that enables SetTokens to perform atomic trades using uniswap-like (e.g. Uniswap, Sushiswap, Pancakeswap, ...etc) Decentralized Exchanges. Integrations mappings are stored on the IntegrationRegistry contract.


Initializes this module to the SetToken. Only callable by the SetToken's manager.

function initialize(ISetToken _setToken) external
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken to initialize


Executes a trade on a supported DEX. Only callable by the SetToken's manager. Note that although the SetToken units are passed in for the send and receive quantities, the total quantity sent and received is the quantity of SetToken units multiplied by the SetToken totalSupply.

function trade(ISetToken _setToken, string memory _exchangeName, address _sendToken, uint256 _sendQuantity, address _receiveToken, uint256 _minReceiveQuantity, bytes memory _data ) external
  • _setToken Instance of the SetToken to trade
  • _exchangeName Human readable name of the exchange that has been registered the registry
  • _sendToken Address of the token to be sent to the exchange
  • _sendQuantity Units of token in SetToken sent to the exchange
  • _receiveToken Address of the token that will be received from the exchange
  • _minReceiveQuantity Min units of token in SetToken to be received from the exchange
  • _data Arbitrary bytes to be used to construct trade call data


Module that facilitates rebalances for indices. Manager can set target unit amounts, max trade sizes, the exchange to trade on, and the cool down period between trades (on a per asset basis) for the sake of rebalancing the assets. As currently constructed the module only works for one Set at a time.


Initializes this module to the SetToken. Only callable by the SetToken's manager.

function initialize(ISetToken _index) external
  • _index Address of index being used for this Set


Set new target units, zeroing out any units for components being removed from index. Log position multiplier to adjust target units in case fees are accrued. Validate that weth is not a part of the new allocation and that all components in current allocation are in _components array. Considered administrative function, hence to be called my Manager only

function startRebalance(address[] calldata _newComponents, uint256[] calldata _newComponentsTargetUnits, uint256[] calldata _oldComponentsTargetUnits, uint256 _positionMultiplier) external
  • _newComponents Array of new components to add to allocation
  • _newComponentsTargetUnits Array of target units at end of rebalance for new components, maps to same index of component
  • _oldComponentsTargetUnits Array of target units at end of rebalance for old component, maps to same index of component,
    •                                           if component being removed set to 0.
  • _positionMultiplier Position multiplier when target units were calculated, needed in order to adjust target units
    •                                           if fees accrued


Only approved addresses can call if anyoneTrade is false. Determines trade size and direction and swaps into or out of WETH on exchange specified by manager.

function trade(address _component) external
  • _component Component to trade


Only approved addresses can call if anyoneTrade is false. Only callable when

  1. There are no more components to be sold (i.e. being on the buying phase of the rebalance).
  2. Entire remaining WETH amount can be traded such that resulting inflows won't exceed components maxTradeSize nor overshoot the target unit. To be used near the end of rebalances when a component's calculated trade size is greater in value than remaining WETH.
function tradeRemainingWETH(address _component) external
  • _component Component to trade


Only allowed trader can call this function. For situation where all target units met and SetToken still holds some remaining WETH, uniformly raise targets by same percentage in order to allow further trading. Can be called multiple times if necessary, increase should be small in order to reduce tracking error.

function raiseAssetTargets() external


Set trade maximums for passed components. Only called by Manager.

function setTradeMaximums( address[] calldata _components, uint256[] calldata _tradeMaximums) external
  • _components Array of components
  • _tradeMaximums Array of trade maximums mapping to correct component


Set a uniswap-like decentralized exchanges for passed components. Only called by Manager.

function setExchanges(address[] calldata _components, uint256[] calldata _exchanges) external
  • _components Array of components
  • _exchanges Array of exchanges mapping to correct component, uint256 used to signify exchange


Set the coolOfffPeriod for components. It is needed in order to make sure enough time has elapsed since component's last trade. Only callable by Manager.

function setCoolOffPeriods(address[] calldata _components, uint256[] calldata _coolOffPeriods) external
  • _components Array of components
  • _coolOffPeriods Array of cool off periods to correct component


Toggle ability for passed addresses to trade from current state. Only called by Manager.

function updatetraderstatus(address[] calldata _traders, bool[] calldata _statuses) external
  • _traders Array trader addresses to toggle status
  • _statuses Booleans indicating if matching trader can trade


Toggle whether anyone can trade, bypassing the traderAllowList. Only called by Manager.

function updateAnyoneTrade(bool _status) external
  • _status Boolean indicating if anyone can trade


Get target units for passed components, normalized to current positionMultiplier.

function getTargetUnits(address[] calldata _components) external view returns(uint256[] memory)
  • _components Array of components to get target units for
  • return Array of targetUnits mapping to passed components


Get the target components aimed to be rebalanced (i.e. result of a prior call of startRebalance)

function getRebalanceComponents() external view returns(address[] memory)



Calculates total inflation percentage then mints new Sets to the fee recipient. Position units are then adjusted down (in magnitude) in order to ensure full collateralization. Callable by anyone.

function accrueFee(ISetToken _setToken) public
  • _setToken Address of SetToken


Initialize module with SetToken and set the fee state for the SetToken. Passed _settings will have lastStreamingFeeTimestamp over-written.

function initialize (ISetToken _setToken, FeeState memory _settings) external
  • _setToken Address of SetToken
  • _settings FeeState struct defining fee parameters


Removes this module from the SetToken, via call by the SetToken. Manager's feeState is deleted. Fees are not accrued in case reason for removing module is related to fee accrual. Only callable by the SetToken's manager.

function removeModule() external


Set new streaming fee. Fees accrue at current rate then new rate is set. Fees are accrued to prevent the manager from unfairly accruing a larger percentage. Only callable by the SetToken's manager.

function updateStreamingFee(ISetToken _setToken, uint256 _newFee) external
  • _setToken Address of SetToken
  • _newFee New streaming fee 18 decimal precision


Set new fee recipient.

function updateFeeRecipient(ISetToken _setToken, address _newFeeRecipient) external
  • _setToken Address of SetToken
  • _newFeeRecipient New fee recipient


Calculates total inflation percentage in order to accrue fees to manager.

function getFee(ISetToken _setToken) external view returns (uint256)
  • _setToken Address of SetToken
  • return uint256 Percent inflation of supply


Contract Polygon
Controller 0x52B6554bF4F57589172dc7aB08957fb52B1b9Bc6
IntegrationRegistry 0x172492D142C2749A5dA80a50a360cb2224c55Cda
SetTokenCreator 0x20c4F9a8086125cbE8490F7493F3B506d4B7043e
BasicIssuanceModule 0x507723DfdD9eE51f06D1E3E74585f80604766875
TradeModule 0x01159F31523bF949Ca5b9bfFb493245810059452
StreamingFeeModule 0xD4651d83438d6834248A9154b001A86186DC0EaE
SingleIndexModule 0x0cBa25d10b6D2B3bF524dd7490bb3943C0b575dA
UniswapV2ExchangeAdapter 0x9fb8E1A9E38b16E9404CBB82a0B9e36531309484



  • Create .env file with values for variables taken from .env.default
  • Use yarn in this project yarn install

Generate TypeChain Typings

npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat typechain


  • Run command yarn test
  • To test specific file run npx hardhat test path_to_file


  • Stories for different scenarios are represented with detailed commandset walk-through. Run npx hardhat console and refer to to find the relevant commands.

Owner creating tokenset from set protocol factory

  • Tokens to be added to set already deployed
  • Deploy Controller then deploy SetTokenCreator.
  • Optionally deploy any module BasicIssuanceModule.
  • Call initialize Controller with deployed SetTokenCreator and deployed BasicIssuanceModule
    • If module not deployed, any mock address would serve the purpost of this story.
  • Create a tokenset via SetTokenCreator with token addresses and amounts as arguments.
  • Use events to get the address of deployed tokenset.
  • Cast the address into ERC20 abi and ensure ERC20 methods are called properly.

User mints and redeams tokensets

  • Tokens to be added to set already deployed
  • Deploy Controller then deploy SetTokenCreator.
  • Deploy module BasicIssuanceModule.
  • Call initialize Controller with deployed SetTokenCreator and deployed BasicIssuanceModule
    • If module not deployed, any mock address would serve the purpost of this story.
  • Create a tokenset via SetTokenCreator with token addresses and amounts as arguments.
  • Use events to get the address of deployed tokenset.
  • Cast the address into ERC20 abi.
  • Initialize BasicIssuanceModule which enables users to issue and redeem tokens of tokenset.
  • Ensure module is added by listing modules from the deployed tokenset.
  • User approves BasicIssuanceModule to use his/her tokens to be pegged.
  • User connects to BasicIssuanceModule to issue new tokens from the deployed tokenset with specified quantity to him/herself.
  • Ensure balance of user of deployed tokenset is increased accordingly and ensure his/her balance of deposit tokens are decreased according to calculated quantities.
  • User connects to BasicIssuanceModule to redeem part of the issued tokens.
  • Ensure balance of user of deployed tokenset is decreased accordingly and ensure his/her ba;ance of deposit tokens are increased according to calculated quantities.


  • Deploy Controller, SetTokenCreator, IntegrationRegistry, TradeModule, UniswapV2ExchangeAdapter
  • Setup uniswap
  • Setup BasicIssuanceModule
  • Initialize Controller with SetTokenCreator, TradeModule, BasicIssuanceModule, IntegrationRegistry, IntegrationRegistryIndex=0.
  • Add integration to IntegrationRegistry to map deployed TradeModule to name UNISWAP to the deployed UniswapV2ExchangeAdapter.
  • Create a new tokenset via factory then initialize BasicIssuanceModule to issue tokensets for user.
  • Initialize TradeModule with address of deployed tokenset.
  • Call a trade function in TradeModule buy DAI using WETH.
  • Ensure balance of tokenset of WETH decrease while balance of DAI increase according to price of trade.

Streaming Fees

  • Streaming fees are gained by the trader through minting the SetToken according to an agreedupon cut.
  • The fee is calculated throughout a period of time in seconds from the current total supply of SetToken.
  • In order to run the test on mainnet (forked on localhost)
    • start a hardhat node forking mainnet
    npx hardhat node --fork
    • Run the streamingFee.spec.ts test while FORKED=true as env var, make sure test is connected to localhost.
    FORKED=true npx hardhat test --network localhost  test/zokyo/streamingFee.spec.ts 
    • It takes sometime, make sure you set enough timeout in hardhat.config.ts


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  • Solidity 71.0%
  • TypeScript 28.7%
  • JavaScript 0.3%