The "Box" experiment for Maker Fest, Novi Sad 2019
- Create a free account on AllThingsTalk Maker
- Select your playground
- Click "New Device"
- Choose "Your Own Device"
- Set a name
- Click "Create Asset"
- Choose "Actuator" at the top, name it "Box" and choose the type to be "Boolean" and save
- In the top right corner, click "+ Create Pinboard" and confirm
- You should now see a button on your pinboard, which we'll later use to open up the box
- (If not already installed) Download Arduino IDE and open it
- Go to File > Preferences and in the Additional Boards Manager URLs paste "" and click OK
- Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and search for "esp8266"
- Install "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community" and Close
- Go to Tools > Manage Libraries
- Search for and download "ArduinoJson" (by Benoit Blanchon) and "PubSubClient" (by Nick O'Leary)
- Download the "MakerFestBox.ino" from this repository and open it in Arduino IDE
- Edit the WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD, MQTT_USER and DEVICE_ID accordingly (check the comments)
- Plug in your box via USB
- Go to Tools > Board and select NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
- Go to Tools > Port and select the port to which the box is connected (e.g. ttyUSB0 / COM[number])
- Go to Sketch > Upload and wait for the upload to the board to finish
- Once done, you can go to Tools > Serial Monitor to get info from the box
You can now go to your pinboard and click the "Box" button and see what happens! We'll also try to share access to boxes between ourselves and try to make the box unlock by shaking our phone, but that'll be explained live.