AllThingsTalk Arduino Library for LoRa Devices - makes connecting devices with AllThingsTalk Maker a breeze.
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This library is available on Arduino Library Manager.
To download (or update), simply open your Arduino IDE, go to Tools > Manage Libraries, search for and install "AllThingsTalk LoRaWAN SDK".
In case you already have this SDK installed (from before it was available in Arduino Library Manager), please go to your "libraries" folder and delete (or backup) it before updating/installing it from Arduino Library Manager.
This SDK has been tested to work with the following hardware:
- Microchip RN 2483
- Sodaq Mbili
- Sodaq ONE
New classes are introduced, like the credentials classes. For LoRa you have two new classes, the ABP Credential class and the OTAA Credential class. Both classes can be used as parameter voor the LoraModem (see Modems)
The ABP Credential class exists of one constructor with following parameters: Device Address, Application Session Key and Network Session Key. It also has the functions setDeviceAddress, setApplicationSessionKey, setNetworkSessionKey, getDeviceAddress, getApplicationSessionKey and getNetworkSessionKey. This class can be used as parameter for a Modem class
The OTAA Credential class exists also of one constructor with parameters like Device EUI, Application EUI and Application Key. Like the ABP Credentials class it also has function for setting and retrieving DeviceEUI, ApplicationEUI and ApplicationKey. Can also be used as parameter for a Modem class
The LoRaModem class has one constructor with parameters like Hardware Serial and Credentials (see Credentials) Another important function is setOption, with this function you can set LoRaOptions like on which port you want to send data, which spreadingfactor and if you want to send data acknowledged or not. This class can also be used to get information from the modem, like status, version, datarate.
LoRaOptions options;
options.port = 1;
options.spreadingFactor = 7;
options.ack = false;
modem.setOptions(port); //will set port
modem.setOptions(port, spreadingFactor); //will set port and spreadingfactor
modem.setOptions(port, ack); //will set port and acknowledgement
modem.setOptions(port, ack, spreadingFactor); will set port, acknowledgement and spreadingfactor
OR you also can use following statements
The LoRa Modem
class can be used as parameter in the Device class.
For sending payload data to the backend, we can use following statement:
This class is almost the same as the previous version, except you have now one function to update assets.
CBORPayload payload;
payload.set("Battery", 39);
payload.set("DoorOpen", true);
payload.set("Temp", 24.5);
Like mentioned before, you use the device class to send the payload
CBOR payload also supports tag 103 and 120
Tag 103 is automatically used when you add a Geolocation object (example GPSCBOR)
GeoLocation geoLocation(51.4546534, 4.127432, 11.2);
payload.set("loc", &geoLocation);
Tag 120 is used when you set the timestamp (example iotDataPoint)
GeoLocation geoLocation(51.4546534, 4.127432, 11.2);
payload.set("bat", 98);
payload.set("title", "Hello Universe");
payload.set("loc", &geoLocation);
payload.set("doorClosed", true);
Like in CBOR, the set functionality is almost the same, except you have to translate the incoming data your self via ABCL. Examples given.
BinaryPayload payload;
BinaryPayload payload01("Hello");
BinaryPayload payload02("from ");
You can also have actuation support in your sketch, the only thing you have to do is add following lines of code:
void callback(BinaryPayload &payload, LoRaOptions &options);
OTAACredentials credentials(DEVEUI, APPEUI, APPKEY);
LoRaModem modem(loraSerial, debugSerial, credentials);
void setup() {
void callback(BinaryPayload &payload, LoRaOptions &options);
unsigned char* bytes = payload.getBytes();
int length = payload.getSize();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
debugSerial.print(bytes[i], HEX);
In the callback method you receive the payload that is sent from the backend.
Parameters payload: the binary data received from the backend options: LoRa option that were set
For all the examples in the SDK, please keep in mind that:
- You have an account on AllThingsTalkMaker
- Your device is created
- An asset 'counter' of type integer is made; for the Geolocation example, also create asset 'loc' of type 'Location'