This repository contains examples and experiment sketches for the AllThingsTalk LoRaWAN Rapid Development Kit.
It is to be used in conjunction with the arduino-lorawan-sdk which contains all basic functionality.
Some external libraries are included in this repository for use of all sensors
- AirQuality2
- MMA7660 (Accelerometer)
- TPH2 Adafruit_Sensor and Adafruit_BME280
This library has been developed for:
- Sodaq Mbili
- Microchip LoRa modem
Download the source code and copy the content of the zip file to your arduino libraries folder (usually found at /libraries) or import the .zip file directly using the Arduino IDE.
basic pushbutton exampleguard-your-stuff
lock your object and track its movement when it gets stolencount-visits
count visits for facility maintanenceenvironmental-sensing
measure your environment
There are three ways to send your data to AllThingsTalk
Standardized containers
Cbor payload
Binary payload
You can simply select the method you prefer by (un)commenting the methods at the start of the sketch.
// Select your preferred method of sending data
//#define CONTAINERS
#define CBOR
//#define BINARY
By default, Cbor will be used. For more information on payloads, please check here