Releases: alibaba/nacos
1.3.0(June 5, 2020)
[#2530] [#2758] Consistency protocol abstraction
[#2560] Nacos-client : ServerHttpAgent builds the unnormalized URL
[#2569] Change NamingProxy#reqAPI method throw exception log describe
[#2577] Fix naming client http read timeout and connect timeout properties
[#2638] Support https
[#2647] Modify config service md5 generation method
[#2661] Keep query criteria when config detail return to config list
[#2761] ProtocolManager class's getCpProtocol()/getApProtocol() method ' codes can be optimized.
[#2697] Fix the problem that properties have empty lines and cannot be edited
[#2738] Tenant legality verification. #2785
[#2740] Modify the way of get remote state
[#2664] UI add groupName parameter
[#2765] Optimize MemberUtils class's kRandom method
[#2842] Replace Fastjson with Jackson
[#2871] SQLException when config server quickstart
release 1.3.0 beta
[#2530] [#2758] Consistency protocol abstraction
[#2560] Nacos-client : ServerHttpAgent builds the unnormalized URL
[#2569] Change NamingProxy#reqAPI method throw exception log describe
[#2577] Fix naming client http read timeout and connect timeout properties
[#2638] Support https
[#2647] Modify config service md5 generation method
[#2661] Keep query criteria when config detail return to config list
[#2761] ProtocolManager class's getCpProtocol()/getApProtocol() method ' codes can be optimized.
[#2697] Fix the problem that properties have empty lines and cannot be edited
[#2733] Support service change event
[#2738] Tenant legality verification
[#2740] Modify the way of get remote state
[#2664] UI add groupName parameter
[#2765] Optimize MemberUtils class's kRandom method
1.2.1(Mar 31th, 2020)
#2537 Client beat not correctly redirected
#2401 timed sync task failed
#2457 前端配置列表节点并发查询数会随着点击查看其他节点数据后累加
#2451 1.2.0 无法修改自己的密码
#2449 配置中心,配置列表无法控制分页个数
#2533 dubbo 不停的重复注册服务
#2527 dubbo beat trigger JSONException
#2453 控制台 历史版本 js异常
#1674 Instance information in the Java sdk cache will not be updated because the update thread exit
1.2.0(Mar 4th, 2020) [Not Suggest](Have MD5 Problem)
#2370 taskDispatchPeriod 参数初始值疑问
#2258 HealthCheckReactor is not isolated by namespace
#2248 Nacos server reloadable
#2232 Distro load data failed cause start failed.
#2184 nacos 1.1.4 删除配置ui展示列表为空
#2171 支持同一个 namesapce 中的克隆
#2168 page bug in configuration list
#2145 支持自定义namespace id
#2123 Client heart beat package is too large
#2056 整合dubbo采用nacos作为注册中心报错 [NACOS SocketTimeoutException httpPost] currentServerAddr:, err : Read timed out
#2042 mysql8.0 support error
#2020 NPE
#2018 http connection Keepalive is invalid,dubbo consumer has many TIME_WAIT
#2006 Choose instance for nacos
#2000 nacos 1.1.3版本,可能产生死循环bug
#1993 集群模式bug,使用discovery会报错java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance after all servers([172.XX.XX.23:80]) tried
#1966 关于上传zip时候,type判断的bug
#1957 调用修改实例接口,未传的参数值会被清空
#1947 How to solve ERROR [NACOS-API] failed to added push client.
#1858 namingService keep update service instance after unSubscribe all listeners
#1627 Database field assignment error
#1606 why i cann't define namespaceId when i add one
#1184 Replace error message 'failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance/list after all servers' to more specific message
#1105 Access control of resource in Nacos
#434 [Bug]编辑配置后历史版本显示错误,回滚后配置丢失
1.2.0-beta.1(Feb 18th, 2020)
Fix some bugs of 1.2.0-beta.0
1.2.0-beta.0(Feb 5th, 2020)
Current version is for public test, not recommended for production use. Refer to for user guide of access control.
这个版本是用于公测的beta版本,不推荐上生产。可以参考 来使用这个版本发布的权限控制功能。
#2248 Nacos server reloadable
#2184 nacos 1.1.4 删除配置ui展示列表为空
#2171 支持同一个 namesapce 中的克隆
#2145 支持自定义namespace id
#2123 Client heart beat package is too large
#2042 mysql8.0 support error
#2020 NPE
#2018 http connection Keepalive is invalid,dubbo consumer has many TIME_WAIT
#2006 Choose instance for nacos
#2000 nacos 1.1.3版本,可能产生死循环bug
#1993 集群模式bug,使用discovery会报错java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance after all servers([172.XX.XX.23:80]) tried
#1966 关于上传zip时候,type判断的bug
#1957 调用修改实例接口,未传的参数值会被清空
#1947 How to solve ERROR [NACOS-API] failed to added push client.
#1858 namingService keep update service instance after unSubscribe all listeners
#1627 Database field assignment error
#1184 Replace error message 'failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance/list after all servers' to more specific message
#1105 Access control of resource in Nacos
#434 [Bug]编辑配置后历史版本显示错误,回滚后配置丢失
1.1.4(Oct 24th, 2019)
#182 Health check field and protection threshold are confused
#1409 Integrate with Istio as a service discovery backend
#1507 It is recommended that the script close only the nodes in the current directory, not all nodes.
#1665 DataSync always not executed after network partition
#1671 'Client-Version' header not set in http request from nacos client
#1759 The number of new configuration words is too long. Tip 400 is not friendly enough.
#1825 In modifying service instance page.Error information not clear
#1874 Repeat defined class NacoException
#1906 Set a new thread pool here, but do not open the Notifier task, whether to add executor.execute(new Notifier());
1.1.3(Aug 6th, 2019)
#290 What is the meaning of each log file? Do Nacos need so many log files?
#1459 Feature reques: the configuration list supports multiple selection deletion.
#1479 It is recommended to do the trim operation when configuring the new dataid on the Nacos web page.
#1492 Database master slave config support different db name and password,now is same
#1519 The subscriber list is not displayed correctly
#1520 Private network can't load fonts, favicon
#1529 Time of servers not synchronized cause data inconsistent
#1548 Upgrade the fastjson version, fix the vulnerability
#1569 can't stop beta publish in other namespace except public namespace
#1591 Data listener lost if server list changed
1.1.0(Jul 6th, 2019) Not recommended
We recommend you use the latest 1.1.3 version, which contains an important bug fix #1591 .
#494 Query all subscribers of a service
#504 有支持灰度发布配置的计划吗
#1115 Profile synchronization and import and export
#1229 TTL and client beat interval should be customized at instance level.
#1287 Feature request:Supports synchronization of the same dataId data in different namespace
#1317 Please remove the feature of config subscription triggered automatically after Nacos client started
#1344 Problems encountered during service registration
#1352 Private network can't load fonts, favicon
#1357 Nacos V1.0.0 console Close health check failed
#1367 Just return empty instance list if service not found
#1385 What do these configuration properties mean?
#1397 Notify task executed before data loaded
#1425 add new deregisterInstance method
#1442 Modify JSONUtils's deserializeObject method.
#1455 NamingMaintainService updateInstance can't update instance enable status
#1491 Client beat task doesn't stop in time
1.0.1(Jun 12, 2019)
This version contains several optimizations and bug fixes, and also some important features.
Extended health checker are now supported #359. Thanks to the contribution of @XCXCXCXCX, you can follow the README to build your own health checkers.
We also introduce a new interface NamingMaintainService
in #747, which contains methods to update instances and edit services. Thanks to @chuntaojun.
Hostname can now be registered in Nacos, the related issue is #963. Thanks to @Albert-Hugo.
The complete list of issues is:
- [#359] Support user extended health check type
- [#747] Add create and update service methods in SDK
- [#827] Nacos Naming's log settings affect the root log
- [#876] Nacos web management console cannot display cluster node status
- [#963] Does nacos support to register a instance with host name?
- [#1003] Nacos configuration list fuzzy query is invalid
- [#1007] "enabled" and "enable" are Inconsistent
- [#1062] Selector should not select the disable instance
- [#1069] Client beat failed if beat info is too large
- [#1075] NamingEvent add getGroupName and getClusters method
- [#1084] The console adds yaml validator
- [#1091] Healthy server list inconsistent in some situations
- [#1118] Historical profile retention time changed from 30 days to configurable
- [#1148] Windows script cannot specify FUNCTION_MODE
- [#1150] Correct the Relationship between Services and Clusters
- [#1154] [Feature] Nacos Client supports the update of service instances' metadata
- [#1215] Nacos heartbeat log is too frequent once a second, it is recommended to change to debug level
- [#1217] cannot deploy nacos server inside EDAS
- [#1227] DomainsManagerTest and RaftStoreTest Don't Work
- [#1306] Nacos Client Support Multi Enviroment Switch
- [#1308] the judgement that whether server contains ":" should judge every server,not the first one
- [#1319] Can Nacos support query instances using keyword?
- [#1334] Always failed when update instance healthy status