1.1.0(Jul 6th, 2019) Not recommended
We recommend you use the latest 1.1.3 version, which contains an important bug fix #1591 .
#494 Query all subscribers of a service
#504 有支持灰度发布配置的计划吗
#1115 Profile synchronization and import and export
#1229 TTL and client beat interval should be customized at instance level.
#1287 Feature request:Supports synchronization of the same dataId data in different namespace
#1317 Please remove the feature of config subscription triggered automatically after Nacos client started
#1344 Problems encountered during service registration
#1352 Private network can't load fonts, favicon
#1357 Nacos V1.0.0 console Close health check failed
#1367 Just return empty instance list if service not found
#1385 What do these configuration properties mean?
#1397 Notify task executed before data loaded
#1425 add new deregisterInstance method
#1442 Modify JSONUtils's deserializeObject method.
#1455 NamingMaintainService updateInstance can't update instance enable status
#1491 Client beat task doesn't stop in time