Example code for Pinoccio! (pinocc.io) THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL ONE. I've forked this into the Pinoccio organization, and am now only updating that branch!
Custom Bootstraps – Upload a custom Bootstrap sketch to your Scout (via the Arduino IDE) to get it working with servos, NeoPixels, the Capacitive Touch Backpack, or a NeuroSky MindFlex. Each comes with a description, a link to the required library, a bootstrap sketch, and an example ScoutScript project or two.
Example Web pages – Want to interact with your Pinoccios without going through HQ? You can display real-time temperature or light sensor data on a Web page, or trigger actions remotely. Check out these simple examples of what's possible.
Mini ScoutScript projects – Mini-projects to help you learn about different ScoutScript functions, that you can adapt for your own projects.