Script that produces BED files of RCMs
To install run this in the terminal:
git clone
cd ./circRCM_knockout
chmod +x ./*
The installation and runs were tested on Ubuntu 18
The following dependencies need to be installed: Python 3, biopython, bedtools
Also, the ce11 genome needs to be downloaded in the circRCM_knockout folder. This terminal one-liner will do it:
wget -c -O - | gzip -dc | tar -xO > ce11.fa
For any issues running scripts in this repository, please email at [email protected]
Navigate with the terminal to the circRCM_knockout folder and run:
Just insert the coordinates of the introns flanking the circRNA.
Example: for Circ_0000333, chrIII, +, 1927947, 1929102, 1918723, 1927649
(chromosome in ce11 genome, strand, intron 1 start, intron 1 end, intron 2 start, intron 2 end)