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Desktop Trello Bugger


Add Maven and Gradle to your path.

SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\Users\Alan\maven\bin\;c:\users\alan\gradle-2.2.1\bin\

Clone and initialize the repo:

C:\source>git clone
C:\source\trello>git submodule init
C:\source\trello>git submodule update --init --recursive

Build trello4j:

SET JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\ # Don't know that this is needed anymore
C:\source\trello\trello4j>mvn install -DskipTests

You should end up with trello4j in a JAR: C:\source\trello\trello4j\target\trello4j-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Now you can build and run:

C:\source\trello>gradle build
C:\source\trello>gradle run


trelloc uses javafx and a package of javafx is not included in openjdk which is what most distributions have. Download an Oracle JDK from and expand locally then create a file a with will containg something like this:

then use gradle build and gradle run as above.

Advanced options/command line

Run it in -b mode to show all lists you have access to: java -cp C:\trello\ -jar C:\trello\trello-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -b

You will get something like this:

Board: Projects - 543f78b9933537aeaca5de35
    List: Trello client - 5457d632be8a7c0cb6f217e8
    List: OmegaUp - 543f78b9933537aeaca5de37
    List: Ideas - 544814850fe58ee565d1a7b2
    List: wtrace - 5441879841a3f4b1469bb4ef
    List: Teddy - 543f78b9933537aeaca5de38
    List: Java Cert App - 54db8cd04d42996613cd518b

Debuggging trelloc

jdb -classpath build\libs\trello-0.0.2.jar TrelloCmd

put a bp in a funtion

stop in TrelloClient.doWork
use src\main\java
catch all *

Trello Architecture

              |         |
              |Simple   |
              | Browser |
              |         |
              |         |
              |         |
              |         |
/---------\   /-----------------------\   /--------------\   /----------\
|         |   |                       |   |              |   |          |
|TrelloCmd|   |UIServer               |   |ContainerPanel|   |ListPanel |                     /------------\
| *       |   |  has-a                |   |   is-a       |   |  is-a    |                     |            |
|         |<->| JDialog               |<->|  JPanel      |<->|   JList  |<-- rendered via --->| CardButton |
|         |   |                       |   |              |   |          |                     |    is-a    |
|         |   |                       |   |              |   |          |                     |    JButton |
|         |   |                       |   |              |   |          |                     |            |
|         |   |                       |   |              |   |          |                     \------------/
\---------/   \-----------------------/   \--------------/   \----------/
      |          |          |
/-------------------\   /--------------\
|                   |   |              |
|TrelloClient ***   |   | AzDevOps***  |
|                   |   |              |
\-------------------/   \--------------/
|                   |   
|TrelloCache**      |
|                   |   
|              |
|trello4j      |
|              |

* Application entry point
** Not implemented
*** Wakes up every n seconds

| JDialog                             |
|                                     |
|         /------------------------\  |
|         |   ContainerPanel        | | ContainerPanel extends JPanel
|         |                         | |
|         |     /-----------------\ | |
|         |     |                 | | |
|         |     |ListPanel        | | | ListPanel extends JList
|         |     |     (JList)     | | |
|         |     |                 | | |
|         |     | /------------\  | | |
|         |     | |            |  | | |
|         |     | | Item       |  | | |
|         |     | |            |  | | |
|         |     | |            |  | | |
|         |     | \------------/  | | |
|         |     |                 | | |
|         |     \-----------------/ | |
|         \-------------------------/ |
|                                     |