C-17 Single System Trainer(SST)
ICS (Complete): -Interphone Control Set panel, full simulation. Teaching control operation and provides full audio feedback.
CMDS (Complete): -Countermeasure Dispense control panel for postflare loading. Used to provide alternate solution should physical training device not be accessible.
MCD (Complete) -Mission computer display for the purpose of postflight inspection, not simulated on physical training device. Was performed on aircraft.
APU (In progress): -Supports startup & shutdown of APU, designed to address potential training shortfall, and reduce utilization of physical training device.
VR - Dash 86 (Complete): -Proof of concept demo designed to prove viability on low-cost Android based headsets, address classroom limitations, and safety concerns.
What is this
This project consists of multiple C-17 maintenance simulations designed with a focus on a single avionics systems. It has been in development since December of 2018, designed to address the untapped potential of SmartBoards that have been in use for the past decade. It provides random scenarios, failures, and allows for free- form operation. This incorperated input from numerous instructors and students, and designed for group involvement. Instructors have often been able to use this to perform tasks with near no guidance, students are able to focus on using TOs and working as a team.
It does not replace the instructor nor provide step by step instructions. All simulated panel functions should perform like they do on the aircraft in any order.
Contact TSgt Devin Bable via GAL, full credits are located in the user manual
Project Information
-Built in Unity (LTS) 2018.4.22f
-Designed for use on desktop or SmartBoard
-VR designed for use on Oculus Go