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ci: display HTML test report URLs in check run summaries (#252) #1211

ci: display HTML test report URLs in check run summaries (#252)

ci: display HTML test report URLs in check run summaries (#252) #1211

Workflow file for this run

name: Test Connectors
- opened
- synchronize
# TODO: Consider moving to run these only after the "PyTest (Fast)" workflow is successful.
# workflow_run:
# workflows: [PyTest (Fast)]
# types:
# - completed
# This is the name of the concurrency group. It is used to prevent concurrent runs of the same workflow.
# - github.head_ref is only defined on PR runs, it makes sure that the concurrency group is unique for pull requests
# ensuring that only one run per pull request is active at a time.
# - github.run_id is defined on all runs, it makes sure that the concurrency group is unique for workflow dispatches.
# This allows us to run multiple workflow dispatches in parallel.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Get Changes
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
statuses: write
pull-requests: read
- name: Checkout Airbyte
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- id: changes
uses: dorny/[email protected]
filters: |
- 'airbyte_cdk/**'
- 'bin/**'
- 'poetry.lock'
- 'pyproject.toml'
- 'airbyte_cdk/sources/file_based/**'
- 'airbyte_cdk/destinations/vector_db_based/**'
- 'airbyte_cdk/sql/**'
# Source code modified:
src: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.src }}
# Extras modified:
file-based: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.file-based }}
vector-db-based: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.vector-db-based }}
sql: ${{ steps.changes.outputs.sql }}
needs: cdk_changes
# We only run the Connectors CI job if there are changes to the connectors on a non-forked PR
# Forked PRs are handled by the community_ci.yml workflow
# If the condition is not met the job will be skipped (it will not fail)
# runs-on: connector-test-large
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 # Ubuntu 24 doesn't work as of now
timeout-minutes: 360 # 6 hours
fail-fast: false
- connector: source-hardcoded-records
cdk_extra: n/a
- connector: source-shopify
cdk_extra: n/a
# Chargebee is being flaky:
# - connector: source-chargebee
# cdk_extra: n/a
# These two are behind in CDK updates and can't be used as tests until they are updated:
# - connector: source-s3
# cdk_extra: file-based
# - connector: destination-pinecone
# cdk_extra: vector-db-based
- connector: destination-motherduck
cdk_extra: sql
# ZenDesk currently failing (as of 2024-12-02)
# TODO: Re-enable once fixed
# - connector: source-zendesk-support
# cdk_extra: n/a
# TODO: These are manifest connectors and won't work as expected until we
# add `--use-local-cdk` support for manifest connectors.
- connector: source-the-guardian-api
cdk_extra: n/a
- connector: source-pokeapi
cdk_extra: n/a
name: "${{matrix.connector}} Connector Job (skip=${{needs.cdk_changes.outputs['src'] == 'false' || needs.cdk_changes.outputs[matrix.cdk_extra] == 'false'}})"
checks: write
contents: read
pull-requests: read
- name: Abort if extra not changed (${{matrix.cdk_extra}})
id: no_changes
if: ${{ needs.cdk_changes.outputs['src'] == 'false' || matrix.cdk_extra != 'n/a' && needs.cdk_changes.outputs[matrix.cdk_extra] == 'false' }}
run: |
echo "Aborting job."
echo "Source code changed: ${{ needs.cdk_changes.outputs['src'] }}"
if [ "${{ matrix.cdk_extra }}" != "n/a" ]; then
echo "Extra not changed: ${{ matrix.cdk_extra }} = ${{ needs.cdk_changes.outputs[matrix.cdk_extra] }}"
echo "> Skipped '${{matrix.connector}}' (no relevant changes)" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "status=cancelled" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
exit 0
continue-on-error: true
# Get the monorepo so we can test the connectors
- name: Checkout CDK
if: steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: airbyte-python-cdk
- name: Checkout Airbyte Monorepo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
if: steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
repository: airbytehq/airbyte
ref: master
path: airbyte
token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: "3.10"
- name: Create Test Report Check Run
id: create_test_report
if: steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
uses: LouisBrunner/[email protected]
token: ${{ github.token }}
name: "${{ matrix.connector }} Test Report (custom)"
status: "in_progress"
output: |
"title": "Test Report",
"summary": "Test execution in progress..."
- name: Test Connector
if: steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
timeout-minutes: 90
run: |
cd airbyte
make tools.airbyte-ci-dev.install
airbyte-ci \
--ci-report-bucket-name=airbyte-ci-reports-multi \
connectors \
--name ${{matrix.connector}} \
--use-local-cdk \
test \
--fail-fast \
--skip-step qa_checks \
--skip-step connector_live_tests
- name: Evaluate Test
id: evaluate_output
if: always() && steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
run: |
# save job output json file as ci step output
mkdir -p airbyte/airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/pipeline_reports
echo "Debug: Searching for output.json in pipeline reports directory"
find airbyte/airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/pipeline_reports -type f -ls
json_output_file=$(find airbyte/airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/pipeline_reports -name 'output.json' -print -quit || true)
echo "Debug: Found output.json at: ${json_output_file}"
if [ -z "$json_output_file" ] || [ ! -f "$json_output_file" ]; then
echo "No output.json found - test may have failed to generate report"
echo "## Job Output for ${{matrix.connector}}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "- Test failed to generate report" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "::error::Test failed for connector '${{ matrix.connector }}' - no output report generated"
exit 1
echo "Debug: Contents of output.json:"
cat ${json_output_file}
job_output=$(cat ${json_output_file})
success=$(echo ${job_output} | jq -r '.success')
failed_step=$(echo ${job_output} | jq -r '.failed_steps | select(length > 0) | .[0] // "None"')
run_duration=$(echo ${job_output} | jq -r '.run_duration')
html_report_url=$(echo ${job_output} | jq -r '.html_report_url')
echo "Debug: Extracted values from output.json:"
echo "- Success: ${success}"
echo "- Failed Step: ${failed_step}"
echo "- Run Duration: ${run_duration}"
echo "- HTML Report URL: ${html_report_url}"
echo "## Job Output for ${{matrix.connector}}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "- [HTML Report](${html_report_url})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "- Success: ${success}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "- Test Duration: $(printf "%.0f" ${run_duration})s" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ "${success}" != "true" ]; then
echo "- Failed Step: ${failed_step}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo -e "\n[Download Job Output](${{steps.upload_job_output.outputs.artifact-url}})" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ "${success}" != "true" ]; then
echo "::error::Test failed for connector '${{ matrix.connector }}' on step '${failed_step}'. "
exit 1
echo "See the execution report for details: ${html_report_url}"
echo "Debug: Setting outputs for other steps"
echo "success=${success}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "html_report_url=${html_report_url}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Debug: Current GITHUB_OUTPUT contents:"
# Update the test report check run with results
- name: Update Test Report Check Run
if: always() && steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled' && steps.evaluate_output.outcome == 'success'
uses: LouisBrunner/[email protected]
token: ${{ github.token }}
name: "${{ matrix.connector }} Test Report (custom)"
status: "completed"
conclusion: "${{ steps.evaluate_output.outputs.success == 'true' && 'success' || 'failure' }}"
details_url: "${{ steps.evaluate_output.outputs.html_report_url }}"
output: |
"title": "Test Results",
"summary": "Click 'Details' to view the full test report."
# Create failure check if report generation failed
- name: Create Report Generation Failed Check
if: always() && steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled' && steps.evaluate_output.outcome != 'success'
uses: LouisBrunner/[email protected]
token: ${{ github.token }}
name: "${{ matrix.connector }} Test Report (custom)"
status: "completed"
conclusion: "failure"
output: |
"title": "Test Report Generation Failed",
"summary": "The test execution failed to generate a report. Please check the job logs for details."
# Upload the job output to the artifacts
- name: Upload Job Output
id: upload_job_output
if: always() && steps.no_changes.outputs.status != 'cancelled'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{matrix.connector}}-job-output
path: airbyte/airbyte-ci/connectors/pipelines/pipeline_reports