The Excel Table Library is a tool that allows you to export data from your application into an Excel file format. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for generating Excel files, without the need for complex coding or manual formatting.
Creating excel files in Java can be a challenging task, primarily due to the limited availability of comprehensive documentation of excel libraries. The Excel Table Library is a tool that allows you to export data from your application into an Excel file format. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for generating Excel files, without the need for complex coding or manual formatting.
Easy to use: The Excel Table Library is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. You don't need to have any prior experience with Excel programming or learn any new Excel libraries to use it.
No additional libraries required: Unlike other Excel libraries that require you to download and install additional libraries, the Excel Table Library is entirely self-contained. You can get started right away, without having to worry about dependencies or compatibility issues.
val xlsExporter = ExporterBuilder()
.xls(XlsConfig(mapOf("export.xls.type" to "POI").toProperties()))
val content = xlsExporter.export(
mergeList = listOf(
XlsMerge(1, 2, 2, 2),
XlsMerge(1, 2, 3, 4)
widthAdjustment = XlsColumnWidth(
columnWidth = listOf(20, 5)
"Example Text", XlsCellOptions(
alignment = ElementAlignment.LEFT,
background = Color.TAN,
cellFont = CellFont.CALIBRI,
1, XlsCellOptions(
type = ElementType(Type.NUMBER),
alignment = ElementAlignment.RIGHT,
cellFont = CellFont.ARIAL,