142 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What's new since 2.23.0
🐛 Bug Fixes
- CLI-1284: Exclude i/o error reports @danepowell (#1707)
- CLI-1293: [api:notifications:find] typeerror for sketchy notification strings @danepowell (#1705)
- CLI-1293: [env:cron-copy] type error in cron response @danepowell (#1706)
- CLI-1292: Catch Cloud API type errors @danepowell (#1701)
- CLI-1286: [app:task-wait] typeerror for invalid notification uuid @danepowell (#1703)
- CLI-1290: [auth:login] php warning @danepowell (#1702)
🧰 Dependency updates
- Bump the dependencies group with 3 updates @dependabot (#1704)