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Day 15
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Added solution for day 15. Finally this is year is complete! Also minor fix in utilities.lisp
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abraemer committed Jan 15, 2019
1 parent ce4b207 commit 816423d
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Showing 2 changed files with 194 additions and 1 deletion.
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions day15.lisp
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
;;;; day15.lisp

(in-package :advent-of-code-2018)

(defun day15-unit-p (obj)
(and (listp obj)
(or (eq (first obj) 'G)
(eq (first obj) 'E))))

(defun day15-goblin-p (unit)
(eq (first unit) 'G))

(defun day15-alive-p (unit)
(> (second unit) 0))

(defun day15-target-p (attacker target)
(and (day15-alive-p target)
(not (eq (first attacker) (first target)))))

(defun day15-parse-input (&optional (file "input15.txt"))
(let* ((raw (read-puzzlefile file))
(output (make-array (list (length (first raw)) (length raw)))))
(loop :for line :in raw
:for y := 0 :then (1+ y)
:do (loop :for char :across line
:for x := 0 :then (1+ x)
:do (setf (aref output x y)
(case char
(#\G (list 'G 200))
(#\E (list 'E 200))
(#\# 'W)
(t nil)))))

(defun day15-lexicographic-p (coord1 coord2)
(destructuring-bind (x1 y1) coord1
(destructuring-bind (x2 y2) coord2
(or (< y1 y2)
(and (= y1 y2) (< x1 x2))))))

(defun day15-break-tie (&rest coordinates)
:with (best-x best-y) := (first coordinates)
:for (other-x other-y) :in (rest coordinates)
:when (or (< other-y best-y)
(and (= other-y best-y)
(< other-x best-x)))
:do (setf best-x other-x best-y other-y)
:finally (return (list best-x best-y))))

(defun day15-neighbours (coord)
(destructuring-bind (x y) coord
(list x (1- y))
(list (1- x) y) (list (1+ x) y)
(list x (1+ y)))))

(defmacro day15-aref-list (array list)
`(row-major-aref ,array (apply #'array-row-major-index ,array ,list)))

(defmacro day15-map-board ((position value board) &body body)
(let ((index (gensym "INDEX-")))
`(loop :for ,index :below (array-total-size board)
:for ,position := (multiple-value-list (floor ,index (array-dimension ,board 1)))
:for ,value := (row-major-aref ,board ,index)

(defun day15-flood (board start)
(let ((filled (make-array (array-dimensions board) :initial-element nil)))
(loop :for todo := (list start) :then next-todo :while todo
:for next-todo := nil :then nil
:for level := 0 :then (1+ level)
:do (loop :for coordinate :in todo
:unless (day15-aref-list filled coordinate)
:do (setf (day15-aref-list filled coordinate) level)
(dolist (n (day15-neighbours coordinate))
(when (and (apply #'array-in-bounds-p board n)
(not (day15-aref-list board n)))
(push n next-todo)))))

(defun day15-dump-board (board &optional (min-width 1))
(format t "~%")
(loop :with fmt := (format nil "~~~aa" min-width)
:for y :below (array-dimension board 1)
:do (loop :for x :below (array-dimension board 0)
:for obj := (aref board x y)
:do (format t fmt (cond
((eq obj 'W) #\#)
((null obj) " ")
((listp obj) (first obj))
(t obj))))
(format t "~%"))
(format t "~%"))

(defun day15-turn! (board unit position attack-power)
(let ((targets (day15-map-board (at obj board)
:when (and (day15-unit-p obj)
(day15-target-p unit obj))
:collect at))
(distances (day15-flood board position)))
(when targets
(let ((target-field
(first (stable-sort
(remove nil
(mapcan #'day15-neighbours targets)
:key (lambda (coord)
(day15-aref-list distances coord)))
#'< :key (lambda (coord)
(day15-aref-list distances coord))))))
(when target-field
(unless (= 0 (day15-aref-list distances target-field))
(let* ((step-distances (day15-flood board target-field))
(move (first (stable-sort (sort (remove nil (day15-neighbours position)
:key (lambda (coord)
(numberp (day15-aref-list step-distances coord))))
#'< :key (lambda (coord)
(day15-aref-list step-distances coord))))))
(setf (day15-aref-list board position) nil)
(setf (day15-aref-list board move) unit)
(setf position move)))
(let ((attackable (loop :for n :in (day15-neighbours position)
:when (and (apply #'array-in-bounds-p board n)
(day15-unit-p (day15-aref-list board n))
(day15-target-p unit (day15-aref-list board n)))
:collect n)))
(when attackable
(let ((target (first (stable-sort (sort attackable #'day15-lexicographic-p)
#'< :key (lambda (coord)
(second (day15-aref-list board coord)))))))
(when (<= (decf (second (day15-aref-list board target)) attack-power) 0)
(setf (day15-aref-list board target) nil)))))))

(defun day15-round! (board &optional (elf-power 3))
(let ((units (sort (day15-map-board (at obj board)
:when (day15-unit-p obj) :collect (list at obj))
#'day15-lexicographic-p :key #'first)))
(loop :for (pos unit) :in units
:when (day15-alive-p unit)
:collect (day15-turn! board unit pos (if (day15-goblin-p unit) 3 elf-power)) :into found-something?
:finally (return (not (some #'null found-something?))))))

(defun day15-copy-board (board)
(loop :with copy := (make-array (array-dimensions board))
:for index :below (array-total-size board)
:for orig := (row-major-aref board index)
:do (setf (row-major-aref copy index) (if (listp orig)
(copy-list orig)
:finally (return copy)))

(defun day15 ()
(let ((initial-board (day15-parse-input)))
(loop :with board := (day15-copy-board initial-board)
:while (day15-round! board)
:count t :into rounds
(let* (team
(total-hp (day15-map-board (pos obj board)
:when (and (day15-unit-p obj)
(day15-alive-p obj))
:sum (second obj)
:and :do (setf team (first obj)))))
(format t "Initially the ~a win!~%" (if (eq team 'G) "goblins" "elves"))
(format t "Rounds: ~a~%" rounds)
(format t "Total HP: ~a~%" total-hp)
(format t "Score: ~a~%~%" (* rounds total-hp))))
(loop :for elf-power := 4 :then (1+ elf-power)
:until (loop :with board := (day15-copy-board initial-board)
:with elves := (day15-map-board (pos val board)
:when (and (day15-unit-p val)
(not (day15-goblin-p val)))
:collect val)
:while (every #'day15-alive-p elves)
:while (day15-round! board elf-power)
:count t :into rounds
:finally (when (every #'day15-alive-p elves)
(format t "The elves win without casualties after a boost of ~a.~%" elf-power)
(format t "The outcome then is ~a.~%" (* rounds (reduce #'+ elves :key #'second)))
(return t))))))

(defun day15-clean-test (&optional (file "input15test.txt"))
(let ((inp (read-puzzlefile file)))
(with-open-file (out (puzzlepath file) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(loop :for line :in inp
:do (format out "~a~%" (subseq line 0 7))))))
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion utilities.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
(defun puzzlefile (day)
(let ((file (puzzlepath (format nil "input~2,'0d.txt" day))))
(or (and (probe-file file) file)
(download-puzzle-input day file))))
(download-puzzle-input day file)

(defun puzzlepath (file)
(concatenate 'string +path+ file))
Expand Down

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