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Contains working solutions to the first 4 day of Advent of Code 2018.
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abraemer committed Dec 4, 2018
0 parents commit 54f4852
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Showing 3 changed files with 234 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions advent-of-code-2018.asd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
;;;; advent-of-code-2018.asd

(asdf:defsystem #:advent-of-code-2018
:description "Solutions for the Advent of Code 2018"
:author "Adrian Braemer"
:license "Specify license here"
:version "0.0.1"
:serial t
:depends-on ("cl-ppcre")
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "advent-of-code-2018")))
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions advent-of-code-2018.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
;;;; advent-of-code-2018.lisp

(in-package #:advent-of-code-2018)

(defconstant +path+ "D:/Daten/lisp/advent-of-code-2018/inputs/")

(defun puzzlepath (file)
(concatenate 'string +path+ file))

(defmacro loop-line-by-line (file &body body)
(let ((in (gensym)))
`(with-open-file (,in ,file)
(when ,in
(loop for line = (read-line ,in nil)
while line

(defun read-puzzlefile (file)
(loop-line-by-line (puzzlepath file)
collect line))

(defun split-seq (seq denom)
((rec (start accum)
(let ((index (position denom seq :start start)))
(if index
(rec (+ 1 index) (cons (subseq seq start index) accum))
(cons (subseq seq start) accum)))))
(nreverse (rec 0 nil))))

(defun hash-keys (hashtable)
(loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of hashtable
:collect key))

(defun id (x) x)

(defun max-key (hashtable &key (test #'>) (accessor #'id))
(let ((keys (hash-keys hashtable)))
:with max-key := (first keys)
:with max-val := (gethash max-key hashtable)
:for key :in (rest keys)
:for val := (gethash key hashtable)
:when (funcall test
(funcall accessor val)
(funcall accessor max-val))
:do (setf max-key key max-val val)
:finally (return (values max-key max-val)))))

(defun max-index (vector)
:with max-ind := 0
:with max-val := (aref vector 0)
:for index :from 1 :below (length vector)
:for value := (aref vector index)
:when (> value max-val) :do (setf max-ind index max-val value)
:finally (return (values max-ind max-val))))

;;; day 4
(defun day4-parse-time (time)
;;ignore the year
(list :month (parse-integer (subseq time 5 7))
:day (parse-integer (subseq time 8 10))
:hour (parse-integer (subseq time 11 13))
:min (parse-integer (subseq time 14 16))))

(defun day4-time< (log1 log2)
(loop :for entry :in '(:month :day :hour :min)
:when (< (getf log1 entry 0)
(getf log2 entry 0))
:return t
:when (> (getf log1 entry 0)
(getf log2 entry 0))
:return nil))

(defun day4-parse-event (event)
(case (read-from-string event)
(guard (list :event 'guard :id (read-from-string (subseq event 7))))
(falls (list :event 'sleep))
(wakes (list :event 'wake-up))))

(defun day4-parse-line (line)
(let ((index (position #\] line)))
(append (day4-parse-time (subseq line 1 index))
(day4-parse-event (subseq line (+ 2 index))))))

(defun day4-organise-log (raw-data)
(labels ((rec (data shift start log)
(if (null data)
(nreverse (cons (nreverse shift) log))
(let ((event (getf (first data) :event))
(minute (getf (first data) :min)))
(case event
(guard (rec (rest data) (list (getf (first data) :id)) nil (cons (nreverse shift) log)))
(wake-up (rec (rest data) (cons (cons start minute) shift) nil log))
(sleep (rec (rest data) shift minute log)))))))
(rec (rest raw-data) (list (getf (first raw-data) :id)) nil nil)))

(defun day4-asleep-counters (log)
(let ((counters (make-hash-table)))
(loop :for entry :in log
:for counter := (gethash (first entry) counters (make-array 60 :initial-element 0))
:do (loop :for (start . end) :in (rest entry)
:do (loop :for index :from start :below end
:do (incf (aref counter index))))
:do (setf (gethash (first entry) counters) counter)
:finally (return counters))))

(defun day4-prep-logdata ()
(loop-line-by-line (puzzlepath "input4.txt")
:collect (day4-parse-line line) into log
:finally (return (sort log #'day4-time<)))))

(defun day4 ()
(let* ((asleep-counters (day4-asleep-counters (day4-prep-logdata)))
(most-asleep-id (max-key asleep-counters :accessor (lambda (c) (reduce #'+ c))))
(most-asleep-minute (max-index (gethash most-asleep-id asleep-counters)))
(most-freq-asleep-id (max-key asleep-counters :accessor (lambda (c) (reduce #'max c))))
(most-freq-asleep-minute (max-index (gethash most-freq-asleep-id asleep-counters))))
(format t "The most asleep guard is #~a and it's most asleep during minute ~a -> Answer: ~a~%"
most-asleep-id most-asleep-minute (* most-asleep-id most-asleep-minute))
(format t "The most frequently asleep guard is #~a and it's most asleep during minute ~a -> Answer: ~a~%"
most-freq-asleep-id most-freq-asleep-minute (* most-freq-asleep-id most-freq-asleep-minute))))

;;; day 3
(defun day3-parse-line (line)
;; example "#1 @ 896,863: 29x19"
(let ((index1 (position #\@ line))
(index2 (position #\, line))
(index3 (position #\: line))
(index4 (position #\x line)))
(list :id (parse-integer (subseq line 1 (- index1 1)))
:xpos (parse-integer (subseq line (+ index1 2) index2))
:ypos (parse-integer (subseq line (+ index2 1) index3))
:width (parse-integer (subseq line (+ index3 2) index4))
:height (parse-integer (subseq line (+ index4 1))))))

(defun make-claim (claim board)
:for x :from (getf claim :xpos) :below (+ (getf claim :xpos)
(getf claim :width))
:do (loop
:for y :from (getf claim :ypos) :below (+ (getf claim :ypos)
(getf claim :height))
:do (push (getf claim :id) (aref board x y)))))

(defun day3 ()
(let ((board (make-array '(1000 1000) :initial-element nil))
(ids (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(loop-line-by-line (puzzlepath "input3.txt")
:for claim := (day3-parse-line line)
:do (make-claim claim board)
:do (setf (gethash (getf claim :id) ids) t))
:with overlaps := 0
:for index :below (reduce #'* (array-dimensions board))
:for entries := (row-major-aref board index)
:when (>= (length entries) 2)
:do (incf overlaps) :and
:do (dolist (id entries) (remhash id ids))
(format t "There are ~a square inches of fabric within two or more claims.~%Id ~a has no overlaps at all." overlaps (first (hash-keys ids))))))

;;; day 2
(defun count-chars (string)
:with counts := nil
:for char :across string
:for count = (assoc char counts)
:if count :do
(incf (cdr count))
:else :do
(push (cons char 1) counts)
:finally (return counts)))

(defun differences (s1 s2)
(count nil (map 'list #'equal s1 s2)))

(defun common-parts (s1 s2)
(remove nil (map 'list (lambda (char1 char2)
(when (equal char1 char2)
s1 s2))

(defun day2 ()
(loop-line-by-line (puzzlepath "input2.txt")
:for counts := (count-chars line)
:counting (rassoc 2 counts) :into doubles
:counting (rassoc 3 counts) :into triples
:finally (format t "There are ~a phrases with double character and ~a phrases with triple characters.~%Solution: ~a~%" doubles triples (* doubles triples))))

(defun day2-extra ()
(loop :for lines := (read-puzzlefile "input2.txt") :then (rest lines)
:while lines
:for orig := (first lines)
:until (loop :for other :in (rest lines)
:when (= 1 (differences orig other))
:do (format t "They solution is ~s.~%" (common-parts orig other))
:and :return t)))

;;; day 1
(defun day1 ()
(let* ((changes (mapcar #'parse-integer (read-puzzlefile "input1.txt")))
(total (reduce #'+ changes))
(seen (make-hash-table :size 1024)) ;use hashtable as a set
;loop continuously over the changes
:for change :in (setf (cdr (last changes)) changes)
:sum change :into freq
:until (gethash freq seen) ;check the set
:do (setf (gethash freq seen) t)
:finally (return freq))))
(format t "The resulting frequency is ~a.~%The first frequency reached twice is ~a.~%"
total first-repetition)))
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions package.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
;;;; package.lisp

(defpackage #:advent-of-code-2018
(:use #:cl))

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