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Day 22
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Added the solution for day 22 and added a pretty general implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm to utilities.lisp.
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abraemer committed Jan 9, 2019
1 parent 9b0f359 commit 53e7d84
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Showing 3 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions advent-of-code-2018.asd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
(:file "day19")
(:file "day20")
(:file "day21")
(:file "day22")
(:file "day23")
(:file "day25")))

75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions day22.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
;;;; day22.lisp

(in-package :advent-of-code-2018)

(defun day22-parse-input ()
(mapcar #'extract-integers (read-puzzlefile "input22.txt")))

(defun day22-generate-cave (width height cave-depth &optional (target-x 0) (target-y 0))
"Generates the cave."
(let ((indices (make-array (list (1+ width) (1+ height)) :element-type '(mod 20183))))
;; compute the geological indices
(loop :for x :from 0 :upto width
:do (setf (aref indices x 0) (mod (+ cave-depth (* x 16807)) 20183)))
(loop :for y :from 0 :upto height
:do (setf (aref indices 0 y) (mod (+ cave-depth (* y 48271)) 20183)))
(loop :for y :from 1 :upto height
:do (loop :for x :from 1 :upto width
:when (and (= x target-x) (= y target-y))
:do (setf (aref indices x y) 0)
:else :do (setf (aref indices x y)
(+ cave-depth
(* (aref indices (1- x) y)
(aref indices x (1- y))))
;; take mod 3 for type
(loop :with cave := (make-array (list (1+ width) (1+ height)) :element-type '(mod 3))
:for i :from 0 :below (array-total-size indices)
:do (setf (row-major-aref cave i) (mod (row-major-aref indices i) 3))
:finally (return cave))))

;;for debugging
(defun day22-print-cave (cave)
"Used for debugging. Displayes the cave as seen on the AoC website."
(loop :for y :below (array-dimension cave 1)
:do (format t "~{~a~}~%" (loop for x :below (array-dimension cave 0)
:collect (case (mod (aref cave x y) 3)
(0 #\.)
(1 #\=)
(2 #\|)
(t #\x))))))

(defun day22-shortest-path (cave target-x target-y)
"Finds the shortest path from the 0,0 coordinate to the target's coordinate. The torch is equipped at the start and end."
(flet ((neighbours (a)
;;neighbours are either displaced 1 coordinate step or change gear
(destructuring-bind (x y gear) a
(loop :for (dx dy) :in '((-1 0) (1 0) (0 -1) (0 1))
:for nx := (+ dx x)
:for ny := (+ dy y)
:when (and (array-in-bounds-p cave nx ny)
(not (= gear (aref cave nx ny))))
:collect (list nx ny gear) :into neighbours
;append gear change to the neighbours and return
:finally (return (cons (list x y (first (delete gear (delete (aref cave x y) (list 0 1 2)))))
(distance (a b)
(let ((from-gear (third a))
(target-gear (third b)))
(if (= target-gear from-gear) 1 7))))
(second (multiple-value-list (dijkstra '(0 0 1)
(list target-x target-y 1)
:test 'equalp)))))

(defun day22 ()
(destructuring-bind ((depth) (target-x target-y)) (day22-parse-input)
(let ((cave (day22-generate-cave (+ 40 target-x) (+ 40 target-y) depth target-x target-y)))
(format t "The total risk index is: ~a~%"
(loop :for x :upto target-x
:sum (loop :for y :upto target-y
:sum (aref cave x y))))
(format t "The quickest path to the target takes ~a minutes.~%"
(day22-shortest-path cave target-x target-y)))))
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions utilities.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,3 +101,27 @@
("(-?\\d+)" str)
(push int list))

(defun dijkstra (start end distance-function neighbour-function &key (test 'eql))
"Finds the shortest path from the start node to the end node. The neighbour-function should return a proper list of nodes adjacent to the given node. The distance-function should return a non-negative distance between the given node."
(loop :with open := (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap :key #'first)
:with closed := (make-hash-table :test test)
:initially (dolist (n (funcall neighbour-function start))
(cl-heap:add-to-heap open
(list (funcall distance-function start n) n start)))
(setf (gethash start closed) (cons 0 nil))
:while (> (cl-heap:heap-size open) 0)
:until (gethash end closed nil)
:for (distance node prior) := (cl-heap:pop-heap open)
;; explore the node if not explored yet
:unless (gethash node closed nil) :do
(setf (gethash node closed) (cons distance prior))
(dolist (neighbour (funcall neighbour-function node))
(unless (gethash neighbour closed nil)
(cl-heap:add-to-heap open (list (+ distance (funcall distance-function node neighbour))
neighbour node))))
;; reconstruct the path
:finally (loop :with path := nil
:for at := end :then (rest (gethash at closed)) :while at
:do (push at path)
:finally (return-from dijkstra (values path (first (gethash end closed)))))))

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