Create React Electron App Ready Configured For Production Build
This package creates React+Electron App using the famous create-react-app library and following the additional steps taken from this blog
To use this package you need to install yarn
you can install yarn by simply running
npm install yarn -g
To Install The Package Simply Run:
npm install react-electron-app -g
After installing the package simply run
react-electron-app new <appname>
to start the electron browser in development mode simply type
npm run electron-dev
to pack the electron app simply type
npm run electron-pack
by default this package will build the app for Mac OS, Linux and Windows. You can specify one of them by editing the package.json
"electron-pack": "build -c.extraMetadata.main=build/electron.js -mlw",
change the -mlw
to the OS's you want to build the electron app for.
- -m : Mac OS
- -l : Linux
- -w : Windows
The packaged app will be generated in the dist/