The car package in R 3.6.1 (Fox and Weisberg, 2019) allows you to carry out 2-factor ANOVAs with the Anova()
function. However, certain conditions may require the specification of contrasts and reference groups. Each contrast and reference groups is used for a specific condition, as specified in the help page for package. For first time users of this function, these contrasts may get confusing and tricky. The following tutorial shows you how and when to use the contrasts and reference groups (if at all) in a 2 factor ANOVA using the Anova()
A 2 way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance Test) tests the effects of two categorical variables, and the effect of the variables on each other.
By conducting a 2 way ANOVA, you're testing 3 null hypotheses at the same time:
- There is no significant difference in the means of the groups of the first independent variable
- There is no significant difference in the means of the groups of the second independent variable
- The effect of the first independent variable does not depend on the effect of the second independent variable (interaction affect)
In the car package, the aov()
function will test a one way ANOVA, but in order to test a two way ANOVA, the Anova()
function is used.
In R, there are three types of 2 way ANOVAS; namely Type I, Type II, and Type III. If your data are balanced (all sample sizes are the same), all three types will give you the same results. However, if your data are unbalanced, Type II or Type III ANOVAs are advisable. More information can be found here:
I like working with Type III Anovas for unbalanced data. However, Type III Anovas, while capable of testing interesting hypothesis with unbalanced data, require a few considerations:
The first thing to be certain of in Type III ANOVAs is contrasts. What is a contrast? Contrast are ways of comparing one group to another. Each type of contrast will give you a different sum of squares.
According to the help(Anova)
page in R (Fox, 2016), in Type III ANOVAs, you may need to change the default contrast settings for your Anova in order to obtain "sensible results". The default settings are contr.treatment
(for unordered data) and contr.poly
(for ordered data).
You can check the default contrasts with the following code:
You might, therefore, want to change the default contrast settings. If your data are unordered, you'll want to change the default contr.treatment
to contr.sum
. This can be done with the following code:
options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
Check your contrasts again, to make sure they're changed: options()$contrasts
Now, you can conduct your ANOVA.
Anova(lm(dependent_variable ~ independent_variable1 * independent_variable2, data = name_of_dataset), type = 3)
Notice how the ANOVA was conducted with a linear model as its input.
Suppose you're conducting a simple ecology experiment investigating the effects of the pH and temperature of soil on the number of plant species growing in that soil. However, you don't have access to the numerical data, and so all of your data is categorical: you have 3 pH categories: "Acidic", "Neutral", and "Basic", and you have three temperature categories: "High", "Medium", and "Low". You do, however, have the exact number of plant species growing in your various soil samples. Your dataset is called plant_species_soil_data
Your code would look like this:
Anova(lm(plant_species ~ pH * temperature, data = plant_species_soil_data), type = 3)
Don't forget to test assumptions of the ANOVA!
But suppose you wanted to make sure there were no confounding variables affecting your experiment? You would probably measure other variables, such as wind speed, humidity, the presence of certain ions in the soil. In order to make sure none of these conditions significantly differed between your soil samples, you could conduct a simple one way ANOVA with the aov()
function in the car package to ensure that there are no significant difference between these variables among your samples. Don't forget to test assumptions!
Unfortunately, you find that the wind speed does differ significantly between your soil samples. This could affect your results!
Luckily, the Anova()
model will allow you to include wind speed as a predictor variable, since it uses lm()
as an input. Your code would then be modified to look something like this:
Anova(lm(plant_secies ~ pH * temperature + wind_speed, data = plant_species_soil_data), type = 3)
The output from your ANOVA should look something like this:
Anova Table (Type III tests)
Response: plant_species
Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
(Intercept) 63184 1 153.1307 6.328e-16 ***
pH 686 2 0.8310 0.44234
temperature 527 2 0.6386 0.03284 *
wind_speed 121 1 0.2934 0.59079
pH: temperature 4313 4 2.6131 0.04803 *
Residuals 18155 44
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
The table shows a significant difference between temperature groups. However, which group is significantly different from the other? Is it High
temperature? What about Low
temperature? To find out, further tests will have to be conducted. The table also shows a significant interaction between the pH groups and the temperature groups. However, like in the case of temperature, there are many possible ways in which this interaction could have occurred. Is there a significant interaction between Basic
pH and Low
temperature? What about between Neutral
pH and Medium
A linear model (found with the lm()
function) can show exactly in which groups these interactions are present. However, you first need to decide what your reference groups will be.
What exactly is a reference group? In a linear model, when more than two groups exist for an independent variable, pair-wise comparisons will be done with one group as the reference group - the group which the other groups will be compared to. For example, in our ecology experiment, "Neutral"
pH or "Medium"
temperature could be our reference groups, and all comparisons will be conducted in reference to these groups. Ideally, our linear model will show if there is a significant difference between Basic
and Neutral
pHs, or if the difference lies between Low
and Medium
temperatures. However, these reference groups will need to be specified.
R will have already assigned one of your groups are the default group. This can be checked with the following code:
which would be contrasts(plant_species_soil_data$temperature
in our experiment.
This code would give the following output:
High Low
Medium 0 0
High 1 0
Low 0 1
Here, you can see that soils of Medium
temperature are your reference group, since Medium
gives a value of 0
when compared across tabled across High
and Low
temperature soils.
So suppose your default reference groups were Medium
temperature and Neutral
pH. Then, you could conduct your linear model. Be sure to change your default contrasts back to contr.treatment
and contr.poly
for your linear model!
options(contrasts = ("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
plant_species_lm <- lm(plant_species ~ pH * temperature + wind_speed, data = plant_species_soil_data)
The output would look something like this:
lm(formula = plant_species ~ pH * temperature + wind_speed,
data = plant_species_soil_data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.5455 -1.1429 -0.0712 1.3473 3.4545
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 11.545455 0.571906 20.188 <2e-16 ***
pHAcidic 1.799105 1.138615 1.580 0.1213
pHBasic 0.597403 0.917090 0.651 0.5182
temperatureHigh 2.025974 0.917090 2.209 0.0324 *
temperatureLow 0.350919 0.978666 0.359 0.7216
wind_speed -1.378238 1.057592 -1.303 0.1993
pHAcidic:temperatureHigh -2.120534 1.646172 -1.288 0.2044
pHBasic:temperatureHigh -3.668831 1.501497 -2.443 0.0186 *
pHAcidic:temperatureLow -0.299105 1.579787 -0.189 0.8507
pHBasic:temperatureLow 0.008815 1.615211 0.005 0.9957
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 1.897 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2509, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0977
F-statistic: 1.638 on 9 and 44 DF, p-value: 0.1342
How is this interpreted? For each line that contains one subgroup, you are comparing that subgroup with the reference subgroup, keeping the other independent variable constant. For example, the second line of the table after the intercept is titled pHBasic
. This line is comparing medium temperature soil samples (since medium is our reference group) that have a basic pH to medium temperature soil samples that have a neutral pH (since neutral is our reference group). Keeping wind speed constant, the model finds no significant difference between these two groups.
Let's move on to temperature. The third line of the table is titled temperatureHigh
. This line compares neutral pH soil samples (since neutral is our reference group) that have high temperatures to neutral pH soil samples that have medium temperatures (since medium is our reference group). Here, there is a significant interaction as the P value is less than 0.05. The model finds that neutral pH soil samples with higher temperatures house 2.02 more species of plants than neutral pH soil samples with medium temperatures (as indicated by the Estimate
column), keeping wind speed constant.
What about the interaction term? This is where it gets tricky. Think of the interaction term as the difference of differences. If pHBasic
is looking at the difference in numbers of plant species in acidic soils and neutral soils, and temperatureHigh
is looking at the difference in numbers of plant species in high and medium temperature soils, the interaction term for these values is the difference of the two values.
In our ecology experiment, we see that the difference in number of plant species between neutral pH high temperature and medium temperature soils is signficantly different than the difference in number of plant species between neutral and acidic soils with medium temperatures. This could mean that in the neutral pH soils, medium temperature soils had more/less plant species than low temperature soils. However, in the basic pH group, medium temperature soils had more/less plant species than low temperature soils.
This interaction term is often difficult to interpret, so here you should probably create an interaction plot to visually view your data. You can also create bar graphs and look at the vertical distance between the bar heights in question to confirm your interaction "difference of differences" analysis.
So far, in your pH groups you've only compared neutral and basic pHs and high and medium temperatures. But what if you wanted to compare neutral and acidic pHs? Or medium and low temperatures? Or what about acidic and basic pHs? This is where you'd have to change the reference group, so that the group that all other groups are being compared to is now different. This can be done with the following code:
plant_species_soil_data$pH <- factor(plant_species_soil_data$pH, levels = c("Acidic","Neutral","Basic"))
plant_species_soil_data$temperature <- factor(plant_species_soil_data$temperature, levels = c("High","Medium","Low"))
You just changed your pH reference group to Acidic
and your temperature reference group to High
. Since your levels
vector is ordered, the first element will be the reference group (which, in these two cases, is High
and Acidic
As you did previously, check your reference groups with the following code: contrasts(dataset$independent_variable)
Now, you can run your linear model again with the same code as you did with the previous linear model, but the output will be different, as you are now comparing different groups.
lm(formula = SPWM_WME_T1 ~ COMT2 * group_membership + Cancer_Treatments,
data = clean_data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-37.000 -11.470 -1.055 11.650 54.091
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 26.978 8.505 3.172 0.00276 **
pHNeutral 13.167 11.728 1.123 0.26765
pHBasic 19.515 14.239 1.371 0.17747
temperatureMedium 26.272 13.247 1.983 0.05360 .
temperatureLow 1.989 13.146 0.151 0.88044
wind_speed 6.135 11.326 0.542 0.59079
pHNeutral:temperatureMedium -9.417 17.310 -0.544 0.58919
pHBasic:temperatureMedium -41.765 20.225 -2.065 0.04485 *
pHNeutral:temperatureLow -5.224 16.918 -0.309 0.75895
pHBasic:temperatureLow 8.233 20.334 0.405 0.68751
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 20.31 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2654, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1152
F-statistic: 1.766 on 9 and 44 DF, p-value: 0.1024
You can now interpret this linear model as you did the previous one, and it will give you different comparisons, with different results.
Fox, J. (2016) Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models, Third Edition. Sage.
Fox, J. and Weisberg, S. (2019) An R Companion to Applied Regression, Third Edition, Sage.