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Alathea edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the UBCadv-r wiki!

The wiki is an easy way for people to share exercises, ask questions, and make comments. The pages are edited via Github in Markdown format. All you have to do is click "Edit" in the top right of this page to edit the page. Contributing to the wiki does not involve fooling with RStudio, terminal windows, or fetching & merging so it is an especially good way to contribute if you don't want to do those aforementioned things.

The Chapters

  1. Data Structures
  2. [Subsetting] (

Writing in Markdown

You can use the buttons at the top of the edit window to format your writing. Alternatively, you can use the Markdown syntax directly.

  • Headings are prefixed with one or more # symbols. The more # you add, the smaller the heading. e.g. # Heading 1, ## Heading 2, etc.
  • Bold is wrapped in double asterisks: **bold text here** = bold text here
  • Italics are wrapped in single asterisks: *italic text here* = italic text here
  • Links are created by wrapping the text in square brackets followed by the URL in parentheses: [Click here](
  • Inline code is designated with back-ticks (the one on the top left of your keyboard, under the ~): `library(magrittr)`
  • Code blocks can be designated by putting three back-ticks at the start and end of the block:
> ```
> x <- c(1:5)
> x[NA]
> ```
  • You can create a horizontal line with three asterisks: ***
  • And a bulleted list just by prefixing each item in your list with one asterisk: * item 1 ; * item 2
  • A numbered list is create by prefixing the items with any number: 1. item 1 ; 2. item 2 or 1. item 1 ; 1. item 2. The numbers will automatically be put in the correct sequence, but sometimes markdown can't figure out that you are still creating a list if there are too many carriage returns or code chunks between list items. In that case, your numbering will just be screwed up no matter what.
  • And more about this can be found here
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