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sawnaanwas edited this page Dec 31, 2019 · 12 revisions

What function allows you to tell if an object is a function? What function allows you to tell if a function is a primitive function?

is.function, is.primitive

This code makes a list of all functions in the base package.

objs <- mget(ls("package:base"), inherits = TRUE)
funs <- Filter(is.function, objs)

Use it to answer the following questions:

Which base function has the most arguments?


The arguments can be obtained using the function formals.

# create a vector of lengths
arg_length <- lapply(funs, function(x)(length(formals(x))))

# find the max
max_args <- which(arg_length == max(unlist((arg_length)))

# get the name of the function

The function is scan()

How many base functions have no arguments? What’s special about those functions.


Continuing from the code above:

length(which(arg_length == 0))

How could you adapt the code to find all primitive functions?


prims <- Filter(is.primitive, objs)

What are the three important components of a function?

formals(): the arguments body(): the function content environment(): the environment where the variables are stored

When does printing a function not show what environment it was created in?

If the function has a custom print method, or if it is a primitive function.

What does the following code return? Why? What does each of the three c’s mean?

c <- 10
c(c = c)

The first c() runs the combine function to create a vector with an item named c with value 10

What are the four principles that govern how R looks for values?

name masking, functions vs. variables, a fresh start, dynamic lookup

What does the following function return? Make a prediction before running the code yourself.

f <- function(x) {
  f <- function(x) {
    f <- function(x) {
      x ^ 2
    f(x) + 1
  f(x) * 2


The function will go down to the lowest level and find x ^ 2 so f(x) <- 100. Next, R will arrive at the command f(x) + 1 and get 100 + 1 = 101 and finally multiply by two to get 202

Clarify the following list of odd function calls:

x <- sample(replace = TRUE, 20, x = c(1:10, NA))

x <- sample(c(1:10, NA), 20, replace = TRUE)

y <- runif(min = 0, max = 1, 20)

y <- runif(20, 0, 1)

cor(m = "k", y = y, u = "p", x = x)

cor(x, y, use = "pairwise", method = "kendall")

What does this function return? Why? Which principle does it illustrate?

f1 <- function(x = {y <- 1; 2}, y = 0) {
  x + y

What does this function return? Why? Which principle does it illustrate?

f2 <- function(x = z) {
  z <- 100

Create a list of all the replacement functions found in the base package. Which ones are primitive functions?

What are valid names for user created infix functions?

Anything surrounded in %% e.g. %my_function%

Create an infix xor() operator.


%xor% <- function(x, y) { xor(x, y) }

Create infix versions of the set functions intersect(), union(), and setdiff().


`%=%` <- function(x, y)
  intersect(x, y)

`%+%` <- function(x, y)
  union(x, y)

`%-%` <- function(x, y)
  setdiff(x, y)

Create a replacement function that modifies a random location in a vector.

How does the chdir parameter of source() compare to in_dir()? Why might you prefer one approach to the other?

What function undoes the action of library()? How do you save and restore the values of options() and par()?


detach will remove the library.

options() and par() work the same weird way as setwd(). You can save them while also changing them. So old <- options(newopts) will actually save the old options while also setting the new ones.

Write a function that opens a graphics device, runs the supplied code, and closes the graphics device (always, regardless of whether or not the plotting code worked).


plotter <- function()
  x <- seq(1:10)
  y <- runif(10)
  plot(x, y)

We can use on.exit() to implement a simple version of capture.output().

capture.output2 <- function(code) {
  temp <- tempfile()
  on.exit(file.remove(temp), add = TRUE)

  on.exit(sink(), add = TRUE)

capture.output2(cat("a", "b", "c", sep = "\n"))
#> [1] "a" "b" "c"

You might want to compare this function to the real capture.output() and think about the simplifications I’ve made. Is the code easier to understand or harder? Have I removed important functionality?

Compare capture.output() to capture.output2(). How do the functions differ? What features have I removed to make the key ideas easier to see? How have I rewritten the key ideas to be easier to understand?

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