class Cheby1Filter: Design of bandpass, bandstop filters
class Preprocess: notch, FilterBank, detrend, average, std calculation
class TRCA: TRCA implementation
utils: data, debug function
for Chinese, vstudio默认gb2312编码, vs code默认utf8编码, 大部分含中文注释文件已经转换为utf8编码
For source code, refer to dll.cpp.
For python call, refer to dllValid.py, and onlineValid.py
Implementation of notch, FilterBank (10 banks, 6-th order bandpass at most: [{6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62, 70, 78}, 90]), detrend, normalization.
We use Cheby1 to design all filters.
Input(2 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [block, stimulus, electrode, samples]). Generally, block=1, stimulus=the number of trials.
dout: double* (row major 4D array, [block*stimulus, subbands number, electrode, samples])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands in FilterBank)
len: int (the number of blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to debug mode, the data of FilterBank will be written into ./FilterBank.csv)
dout: memcpy to dout*
exit code (TODO)
TRCA training (=FilterBank + TrcaTrainOnly)
Input (3 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [train blocks, stimulus, electrodes, samples])
pTemplate: double* (4D array, [stimulus, subbans, electrodes, samples]). Generally, we don't consider it is row major or col major, since it will be directly used in TrcaTest. This function will output col major data, The same applies hereinafter.
pU: double* (4D array, [subbands, stimulus, electrodes, 1]). Generally, we don't consider it is row major or col major, since it will be directly used in TrcaTest. This function will output col major data, The same applies hereinafter.
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands in FilterBank)
train_len: int (the number of train blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to csv_output mode,
, andu
will be written into ./*.csv. =2 to debug mode, the data of FilterBank,templates
, andu
will be written into ./*.csv.)
pTemplate: memcpy to pTemplate*
pU: memcpy to pU
exit code (TODO)
Only train of TRCA is implemented, without FilterBank.
Input (3 pointers, 7int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [train blocks*stimulus, subbands, electrodes, samples]), which is the output of FilterBank
pTemplate: double* (4D array, [stimulus, subbands, electrodes, samples])
pU: double* (4D array, [subbands, stimulus, electrodes, 1])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands)
train_len: int (the number of train blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to csv_output mode,
, andu
will be written to ./*.csv. =2 to debug mode,input
, andu
will be written to ./*.csv)
pTemplate: memcpy to pTemplate*
pU: memcpy to pU*
exit code (TODO)
TRCA testing (=FilterBank + TrcaTestOnly)
Input (5 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [1, test blocks, electrodes, samples])
pTemplate: double* (output of TrcaTrain)
pU: double*, (output of TrcaTrain)
pcoeff: double* (1D array, [test blocks*stimulus])
pPred: int* (1D array, [test blocks])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands)
test_len: int (the number of test blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to debug mode,
, andu
will be written to ./*.csv)
pPred: memcpy to
pcoeff: memcpy to
exit code (TODO)
Only test of TRCA is implemented, without FilterBank.
Input (5 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [1*test blocks, subbands, electrodes, samples])
pTemplate: double*, (output of TrcaTrain)
pU: double*, (output of TrcaTrain)
pcoeff: double* (1D array, [test blocks*stimulus])
pPred: int* (1D array, [test blocks])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands)
test_len: int (the number of test blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to debug mode,
will be written to ./*.csv)
pPred: memcpy to pPred*
pcoeff: memcpy to pcoeff*
exit code (TODO)
TRCA testing (=FilterBank + TrcaTestOnly), which use template.csv and u.csv for input
Input (5 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [1, test blocks, electrodes, samples])
pTemplate: char*, path to templates.csv
pU: char*, path to u.csv
pcoeff: double* (1D array, [test blocks*stimulus])
pPred: int* (1D array, [test blocks])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands)
test_len: int (the number of test blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to debug mode,
, andu
will be written to ./*.csv)
pPred: memcpy to pPred*
pcoeff: memcpy to pcoeff*
exit code (TODO)
TRCA testing, without FilterBank, which use template.csv and u.csv for input
Input (5 pointers, 7 int)
darray: double* (row major 4D array, [1, test blocks, electrodes, samples])
pTemplate: char*, path to templates.csv
pU: char*, path to u.csv
pcoeff: double* (1D array, [test blocks*stimulus])
pPred: int* (1D array, [test blocks])
s_rate: int (sampling rate)
subbands: int (the number of subbands)
test_len: int (the number of test blocks)
stimulus: int (the number of stimulus)
electrodes: int (the number of electrodes)
num_samples: int (the number of samples)
debug: int (=1 to debug mode,
, andu
will be written to ./*.csv)
pPred: memcpy to pPred*
pcoeff: memcpy to pcoeff*
exit code (TODO)
dllvalid.py: use [SSVEP-AnaTool] (https://github.com/pikipity/SSVEP-Analysis-Toolbox) for testing. Need to check the version of toolbox, or use toolbox in this repo.
Use Wearable-SSVEP (wet) dataset for testing. When using SSVEPAnalysisToolbox, it is better to check if
function in the toolbox can get correct data segments. Need to compare the toolbox code and the dataset documentation. -
If data rearrange is needed, we suggest use loop to manually do that, rather than transpose or reshpae in third-party lib.