v1.2.0: Video Description Support and Enhanced Logging
🎯 Features
- Added support for preventing video description translation
- Enhanced logging system with better categorization
- Improved audio track selection reliability
🛠️ Technical Details
- Implemented original description retrieval using YouTube's API
- Added description state management (expanded/collapsed)
- Created dedicated logging system with color-coded categories
- Enhanced audio track selection after ads
- Preserved YouTube's styling and clickable links in descriptions
📝 Notes
This release introduces a major new feature: prevention of automatic description translation.
The extension now handles all three main translation areas: titles, audio, and descriptions.
The logging system has also been improved for better debugging and maintenance.
💡 About
No More Translations (NMT) is a Firefox extension that prevents YouTube from automatically
translating video titles, descriptions and audio, allowing users to see and hear content as intended by creators.