v1.1.5: Enhanced Search Results and Code Organization
🎯 Features
- Improved search results detection and translation handling
- Better handling of recommended videos on watch pages
- More reliable title translation across all channel page types
🛠️ Technical Details
- Enhanced search results observer to properly detect and process new video titles
- Optimized recommended videos observer with precise selector and mutation options
- Reorganized title translation code for better maintainability
- Added support for new channel page formats (@username/*)
- Improved code organization with utility functions in separate files
📝 Notes
This release focuses on improving the reliability of the extension across different YouTube page types.
The search results and recommended videos handling has been significantly enhanced to ensure a more
consistent experience. Code organization has also been improved for better maintainability.
💡 About
No More Translations (NMT) is a Firefox extension that prevents YouTube from automatically
translating video titles and audio, allowing users to see and hear content as intended by creators.