v1.1.4: Improved Title Handling and Feature Refactoring
🎯 Features
- Improved handling of title translations when navigating through YouTube's SPA
- Immediate processing of search results titles for a smoother user experience
🛠️ Technical Details
- Added URL observer to detect search query changes and maintain title translations
- Split observers by feature for better code organization and maintainability
- Implemented checks to prevent title duplication during slow page loads
- Optimized performance by maintaining debounce for search results processing
📝 Notes
This release focuses on improving the user experience when browsing YouTube, ensuring that
titles remain in their original language even when navigating through the site's SPA.
It also includes a refactoring of the codebase to improve maintainability and performance.
💡 About
No More Translations (NMT) is a Firefox extension that prevents YouTube from automatically
translating video titles and audio, allowing users to see and hear content as intended by creators.