A powerfull Python script made using BeautifulSoup library and feedparser.
It's Workflow looks something like this:
To set up the tool/script, Do the Installation and Environement Vairable Section.
We highly recommend you have Docker setup on your Linux/Mac/Windows, because it is better to use it over with Docker to see all the Logs and process happening at one place.
The following setup will also use DockerFile and Docker-Compose.
First, Git clone the repo to your local.
git clone https://github.com/YashRaj1506/News_API
Now we will build the images with Docker and run it with the following commands
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Create a file called .env in the root directory.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env
We have added some by default values, so that you can understand what to fill it with. You are free to change the values according to your system.
SECRET_KEY= 'djangojajajjssd56531315vd1v5d'
[email protected]
So now that you have setup the tool on your system, following text will explain you how can you customize the schedule/timings of the program
Go to the file celery.py
inside directory news/news
inside the follwing code, there are two options,
option 1
represent a repetetive task, means if */5 is written the process will keep repeating every 5 minutes, updating the API's and db with fresh news data.
option 2
represent a single task, means at single hour and minute of the day it will do the following task once in a day.
app.conf.beat_schedule = {
'scrape data again every 15 min' : {
'task': 'api.tasks.test_func',
'schedule': crontab('*/5'), #1st option
# 'schedule': crontab(hour= 12, minute=45), #2nd option
Now if you have made changes, run the docker commands again. Build the images and run the conatiner with compose, by following commands:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
And KABOOM!! It will work now!!
After you have done all the things mentioned above, Go to your browser and hit the url
Swagger API documentations available at
First thing you will see will look something like this:
If you click on Sports News, you will be redirected to the respected API which was build
Hey Everyone, Thank you for going through the Doc, This is the first version of the release and it needs a lot of Improvements and more optimal solutions, and hence as a open source initiative i welcome you all to work on this project. I will list and open the issues soon. Thank you!!
FUN FACT: This project's first version is being released after 4 days of work HAHA.