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XcantloadX committed Jun 6, 2019
1 parent 8e32074 commit 9c69808
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Showing 92 changed files with 11,658 additions and 0 deletions.
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions ChineseExampleMod/Lua/Encounters/encounter.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-- A basic encounter script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.

-- music = "shine_on_you_crazy_diamond" --Always OGG. Extension is added automatically. Remove the first two lines for custom music.
encountertext = "Poseur 摆了一个姿势!" --Modify as necessary. It will only be read out in the action select screen.
nextwaves = {"bullettest_chaserorb"}
wavetimer = 4.0
arenasize = {155, 130}

enemies = {

enemypositions = {
{0, 0}

-- A custom list with attacks to choose from. Actual selection happens in EnemyDialogueEnding(). Put here in case you want to use it.
possible_attacks = {"bullettest_bouncy", "bullettest_chaserorb", "bullettest_touhou"}

function EncounterStarting()
-- If you want to change the game state immediately, this is the place.

function EnemyDialogueStarting()
-- Good location for setting monster dialogue depending on how the battle is going.
enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue', {"It's\n测试测试测试working."})

function EnemyDialogueEnding()
-- Good location to fill the 'nextwaves' table with the attacks you want to have simultaneously.
-- This example line below takes a random attack from 'possible_attacks'.
nextwaves = { possible_attacks[math.random(#possible_attacks)] }

function DefenseEnding() --This built-in function fires after the defense round ends.
encountertext = RandomEncounterText() --This built-in function gets a random encounter text from a random enemy.

function HandleSpare()

function HandleItem(ItemID)
BattleDialog({"你选择了物品 " .. ItemID .. ""})
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions ChineseExampleMod/Lua/Monsters/poseur.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- A basic monster script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
comments = {"闻起来像敌人。", "Poseur 摆着姿势\n就好像他的生活依靠于摆姿势。", "Poseur 的四肢不应该\n以这种方式移动。"}
commands = {"行动 1", "行动 2", "行动 3"}
randomdialogue = {"Random\nDialogue\n1.", "Random\nDialogue\n2.", "Random\nDialogue\n3."}

sprite = "poseur" --Always PNG. Extension is added automatically.
name = "Poseur"
hp = 100
atk = 1
def = 1
check = "这里是检查信息~"
dialogbubble = "right" -- See documentation for what bubbles you have available.
canspare = false
cancheck = true

-- Happens after the slash animation but before
function HandleAttack(attackstatus)
if attackstatus == -1 then
-- player pressed fight but didn't press Z afterwards
-- player did actually attack

-- This handles the commands; all-caps versions of the commands list you have above.
function HandleCustomCommand(command)
if command == "行动 1" then
currentdialogue = {"Selected\nAct 1."}
elseif command == "行动 2" then
currentdialogue = {"Selected\nAct 2."}
elseif command == "行动 3" then
currentdialogue = {"Selected\nAct 3."}
BattleDialog({"你选择了 " .. command .. ""})
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions ChineseExampleMod/Lua/Waves/bullettest_bouncy.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
-- The bouncing bullets attack from the documentation example.
spawntimer = 0
bullets = {}

function Update()
spawntimer = spawntimer + 1
if spawntimer%30 == 0 then
local posx = 30 - math.random(60)
local posy = Arena.height/2
local bullet = CreateProjectile('bullet', posx, posy)
bullet.SetVar('velx', 1 - 2*math.random())
bullet.SetVar('vely', 0)
table.insert(bullets, bullet)

for i=1,#bullets do
local bullet = bullets[i]
local velx = bullet.GetVar('velx')
local vely = bullet.GetVar('vely')
local newposx = bullet.x + velx
local newposy = bullet.y + vely
if(bullet.x > -Arena.width/2 and bullet.x < Arena.width/2) then
if(bullet.y < -Arena.height/2 + 8) then
newposy = -Arena.height/2 + 8
vely = 4
vely = vely - 0.04
bullet.MoveTo(newposx, newposy)
bullet.SetVar('vely', vely)
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions ChineseExampleMod/Lua/Waves/bullettest_chaserorb.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- The chasing attack from the documentation example.
chasingbullet = CreateProjectile('bullet', Arena.width/2, Arena.height/2)
chasingbullet.SetVar('xspeed', 0)
chasingbullet.SetVar('yspeed', 0)

function Update()
local xdifference = Player.x - chasingbullet.x
local ydifference = Player.y - chasingbullet.y
local xspeed = chasingbullet.GetVar('xspeed') / 2 + xdifference / 100
local yspeed = chasingbullet.GetVar('yspeed') / 2 + ydifference / 100
chasingbullet.Move(xspeed, yspeed)
chasingbullet.SetVar('xspeed', xspeed)
chasingbullet.SetVar('yspeed', yspeed)
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions ChineseExampleMod/Lua/Waves/bullettest_touhou.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-- You've seen this one in the trailer (if you've seen the trailer).
spawntimer = 0
bullets = {}
yOffset = 180
mult = 0.5

function Update()
spawntimer = spawntimer + 1
if(spawntimer % 30 == 0) then
local numbullets = 10
for i=1,numbullets+1 do
local bullet = CreateProjectile('bullet', 0, yOffset)
bullet.SetVar('timer', 0)
bullet.SetVar('offset', math.pi * 2 * i / numbullets)
bullet.SetVar('negmult', mult)
bullet.SetVar('lerp', 0)
table.insert(bullets, bullet)
mult = mult + 0.05

for i=1,#bullets do
local bullet = bullets[i]
local timer = bullet.GetVar('timer')
local offset = bullet.GetVar('offset')
local lerp = bullet.GetVar('lerp')
local neg = 1
local posx = (70*lerp)*math.sin(timer*bullet.GetVar('negmult') + offset)
local posy = (70*lerp)*math.cos(timer + offset) + yOffset - lerp*50
bullet.MoveTo(posx, posy)
bullet.SetVar('timer', timer + 1/40)
lerp = lerp + 1 / 90
if lerp > 4.0 then
lerp = 4.0
bullet.SetVar('lerp', lerp)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ChineseExampleMod/Sprites/UI/Buttons/actbt_0.png
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Binary file added ChineseExampleMod/Sprites/UI/Buttons/actbt_1.png
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Binary file added ChineseExampleMod/Sprites/UI/Buttons/itembt_0.png
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Binary file added ChineseExampleMod/Sprites/UI/Fonts/monster.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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