Releases: XOOPS/XoopsCore25
XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta 4
What's Changed
- HTMLPurifier 4.18.0 by @mambax7 in #1492
- version update by @mambax7 in #1495
- fix: #1464 by @GregMage in #1471
- fix #1335 by @mambax7 in #1493
- jQuery UI 1.14.1 by @mambax7 in #1496
- jQuery plugins update by @mambax7 in #1494
- xBootstrap5 theme by @mambax7 in #1499
- move composer files to /xoops_lib, move phpmailer and HTML Purifier t… by @mambax7 in #1498
Full Changelog: v2.5.12_Beta-3...v2.5.12_Beta-4
XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta 3
XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta 3
What's Changed
- Smarty 4.5.4 by @mambax7 in #1475
- fixing bug with button cancel by @ggoffy in #1481
- fixed bug in search tpl by @ggoffy in #1482
- improvements by @mambax7 in #1477
- XMF 1.2.31 by @mambax7 in #1485
- Kint by @mambax7 in #1486
- replace trigger_error with \Exception by @mambax7 in #1487
- change samesite to Lax by @mambax7 in #1488
- Various changes by @mambax7 in #1489
Full Changelog: v2.5.12_Beta-2...v2.5.12_Beta-3
XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta 2
/vendor update
XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta 1
First Beta release of the upcoming XOOPS 2.5.12
XOOPS Version 2.5.11 Final
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11 Final.
XOOPS 2.5.11 introduces a significant change: Smarty 3
Unfortunately, this change may potentially disrupt some older themes. Therefore, before proceeding with the upgrade, please ensure that you follow these steps:
- copy the /upgrade directory to your XOOPS root directory
- Run /upgrade/preflight.php to check for any outdated themes or module templates.
- If any issues are identified, consult this document to understand the necessary modifications before proceeding with the upgrade.
- After making the required changes, run preflight.php again.
- If there are no more issues, you can begin the upgrade process.
In addition, this version includes numerous improvements and fixes, including:
- PHP 8.0 compatibility
- MySQL 8.0 compatibility
- Copying in a new XOOPS release does not overwrite existing configuration files
- New Bootstrap 4.5 theme
- Template overload capability in system admin themes
- Security updates
- Updated libraries
- and many more fixes and updates
See the changelog for more details.
New Contributors
- @poehoes made their first contribution in #673
- @fabou78 made their first contribution in #697
- @alain01 made their first contribution in #779
- @ForXoops made their first contribution in #1053
- @Andrew-Staves-Activ made their first contribution in #1240
- @CHCCD made their first contribution in #1379
Full Changelog: v2.5.10...v2.5.11
Asset Checksums
90ccf3f7b2eb0efc448f5a13635449f5dd41d656ebc30a160c01a98c68dd04da XoopsCore25-2.5.11.tar.gz
edf2c136124f8aa2f540aebb0a4be1c6 XoopsCore25-2.5.11.tar.gz
Individual file checksums are available in XOOPS/xfilecheck
XOOPS 2.5.11-RC3
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11-RC3.
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and reporting any issues!
This is a release candidate intended for testing only. Use in a production system is not without risks.
The feature set is complete and is now fixed for 2.5.11. Only bug fixes will be accepted.
Please download from the current master!
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here:
What's Changed
Incorrect language checking in install tablesfill step by @geekwright in #1355
Replace class/smarty/xoops_plugins directory with smarty3_plugins by @geekwright in #1357
fix for {$wizard->language}/english/global.php" by @mambax7 in #1358
Fix for Upgrade Issues by @geekwright in #1360
Smarty 3 Preflight in Upgrade by @geekwright in #1375
Some of the issues reported by Scrutinizer by @mambax7 in #1229
cosmetics: https, single quotes, PhpDocs by @mambax7 in #1223
consistency in dealing with deprecated in PHP 8.2 utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() by @mambax7 in #1363
Made XoopsNotificationHandler::subscribe() return true rather than null. by @Andrew-Staves-Activ in #1239
'array_merge(...)' is used in a loop and is a resources greedy construction by @mambax7 in #1388
PHP 8.0: @ Error Suppression operator does not silent fatal errors by @mambax7 in #1323
Update image.php by @luciorota in #1389
handleException() adds own trace when calling handleError() by @mambax7 in #1374
Update image.php by @luciorota in #1398
Update by @luciorota in #1397
Update uploader.php by @luciorota in #1396
Fix protector oninstall issue by @geekwright in #1400
Xmf to 1.2.28 by @geekwright in #1410
Added an option to set the default notification method for users by @Andrew-Staves-Activ in #1242
Clean up upgrade/preflight.php by @geekwright in #1413
Fix issues with upd-2.0.18-to-2.3.0 step by @geekwright in #1414
New Contributors
Full Changelog: va2.5.11-RC2...v2.5.11-RC3
XOOPS 2.5.11-RC2
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11-RC2.
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and reporting any issues!
This is a release candidate intended for testing only. Use in a production system is not without risks.
The feature set is complete and is now fixed for 2.5.11. Only bug fixes will be accepted.
Please download from the current master!
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here:
Full Changelog: v2.5.11-RC1...va2.5.11-RC2
XOOPS 2.5.11-RC1
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11-RC1.
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and reporting any issues!
This is a release candidate intended for testing only. Use in a production system is not without risks.
The feature set is complete and is now fixed for 2.5.11. Only bug fixes will be accepted.
Please download from the current master!
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here:
Full Changelog: v2.5.11-Beta2...v2.5.11-RC1
XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 2.
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and reporting any issues!
This is a beta release for testing only. Please don't use it in production.
The feature set is complete and is now fixed for 2.5.11. Only bug fixes will be accepted.
Please download from the current master!
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here:
What's Changed
- Update tpl xmmodules by @GregMage in #772
- fix errors with xmsocial by @GregMage in #776
- Fix NEWBB_NOTOPIC error by @geekwright in #777
- New clean favicon.ico by @alain01 in #779
- Correct issues in dhtmltextarea by @geekwright in #780
- Fix:#783 by @GregMage in #784
- Tweak feeds used in XOOPS News in admin.php by @geekwright in #785
- Update tpl for bt4 and fix error author in block by @GregMage in #786
- Update xm by @GregMage in #788
- Add XoopsHttpGet, deprecate Snoopy by @geekwright in #787
- Remove unreferenced templates by @geekwright in #792
- The message as an error was annoying :) by @mambax7 in #795
- Fix docblock \XoopsNotificationHandler::triggerEvent() by @geekwright in #796
- extCal updates by @mambax7 in #790
- cloning of all xswatch derivatives by @alain01 in #798
- Update xm by @GregMage in #799
- Error when no modules installed by @geekwright in #800
- js security update bootstrap 3.4.1 by @geekwright in #801
- Small tweek to pm module by @geekwright in #802
- Update xmmodule by @GregMage in #803
- cosmetic bt4 modifications by @alain01 in #804
- phpThumb 1.7.15-202002130926 by @mambax7 in #808
- Convert to English by @mambax7 in #813
- Fix Profile Index Template by @liomj in #821
- Admin user sync by @geekwright in #829
- Update to official tagged phpthumb 1.7.15 by @geekwright in #824
- Update xmmodule by @GregMage in #834
- Security update jquery 3.5.1 by @geekwright in #835
- change of _MEDIUMDATESTRIN by @mambax7 in #838
- Template patches for Newbb 5.0 Final by @geekwright in #839
- Cumulative theme related updates by @geekwright in #842
- Add options text editing to profile field edit by @geekwright in #841
- Fix: Avertissement: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object … by @GregMage in #843
- Update user.php by @luciorota in #845
- Return proper null value for integer columns by @geekwright in #849
- Add macro substitutions for {X_SITEURL} and {X_YEAR} by @geekwright in #850
- Patch a few issues when using PHP 8 by @geekwright in #851
- Upstream patch for dropdown text contrast issue by @geekwright in #852
- allow StdClass to be cast to array when compiling foreach by @mambax7 in #853
- latest changes from by @mambax7 in #854
- HTML Purifier 4.13.0 by @mambax7 in #855
- Changelog updates by @mambax7 in #856
- PHPMailer 5.2.28 by @mambax7 in #857
- jQuery Form 4.3 by @mambax7 in #858
- Update to tablesorter-2.31.3 by @mambax7 in #859
- Case mismatch by @mambax7 in #862
- PHP 8 Fixes by @geekwright in #863
- Add all selected users in XoopsFormSelectUser by @geekwright in #864
- Library updates for XMF 1.2.20 by @geekwright in #870
- Fix errors seen in PHP 8 in pm module templates by @geekwright in #872
- Magic __wakeup() method must be public by @geekwright in #871
- Remove debug info by @geekwright in #874
- PHP 8 issues in system maintenance by @geekwright in #875
- Template fixes user and profile for php8 by @geekwright in #877
- Update xswatch4 to bootstrap/bootswatch 4.5.2 by @geekwright in #878
- Remove debugging code by @geekwright in #879
- Fix errors in user avatar templates under php 8 by @geekwright in #880
- Add map file to quiet Chrome error by @geekwright in #881
- Customized Smarty debug.tpl by @geekwright in #882
- replacing index.html with index.php by @mambax7 in #884
- short array push syntax on a string by @mambax7 in #885
- Revert "replacing index.html with index.php" by @geekwright in #886
- Replace index.html with index.php by @geekwright in #889
- Restore missing xoops_data/caches directories by @geekwright in #891
- Malformed constant __MINWIDTHIMAGEERROR by @geekwright in #892
- Image manager cleanup by @geekwright in #893
- Restore xoops_data/protector directory by @geekwright in #894
- Fix system breadcrumbs by @geekwright in #895
- Clean up image manager display by @geekwright in #896
- update for using index.php by @mambax7 in #897
- Class css for captcha text by @GregMage in #905
- Update preferences.php by @luciorota in #906
- Update xmtemplates php8 by @GregMage in #913
- Countable by @mambax7 in #911
- https by @mambax7 in #887
- add PHP8 defaults in templates by @mambax7 in #909
- Message profil by @GregMage in #908
- array check by @mambax7 in #912
- Bug with captcha by @GregMage in #916
- Diff for 906 update by @geekwright in #917
- add {X_NAME} tag for mailusers by @GregMage in #920
- Disable Flash by @alain01 in #922
- Responsive xswatch4 by @alain01 in #868
- Fix issues in DHTMLTextArea support by @geekwright in #924
- newbbPHP8_xbootstrap by @mambax7 in #926
- Mark deleted PM as read by @geekwright in #929
- Update system_images.tpl by @alain01 in #928
- fix php8 (Warning: Undefined array key "blocks" in file /xoops_data/c… by @GregMage in #930
- Require fileinfo PHP extension during install by @geekwright in #931
- Add {X_SITEURL} and {X_YEAR} to site closed page by @geekwright in #932
- Fix unclosed comment by @geekwright in #933
- simplify load of modinfo by @mambax7 in #937
- Remove phpthumb library by @geekwright in #939
- fix for version number as string by @mambax7 in #938
- Library refresh by @geekwright in
XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 1
The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 1.
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and reporting any issues!
This is a beta release for testing only. Please don't use it in production.
The feature set is complete and is now fixed for 2.5.11. Only bug fixes will be accepted.
Please download from the current master!
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here: