Playing with some programming languages
This repo contains some small projects
TODO: unstarted
DOING: started not finished
DONE: just finished
Archived: won't modify in near future
Abort: gave up, remaining unfinished
- Ruby in 20 minutes(Archived)
- A simple shell in Go(DONE)
- Some algorithms in C++(DOING)
- A small bootloader in x86-asm(Archived)
- A small C interpreter(Abort)
- some Scala Examples (Archived)
- The Rust Programming Language(Archived)
- A Quine Program in C(Archived)
- A disk-filler in C(Archived)
- Some Examples in SpinalHDL(DONE)
- A memory allocator in C(Archived)
- A Linux Container in C(TODO)
- Some Problems in LeetCode(DOING)
- A Virtual Machine in C(TODO)
- A netstack in C(TODO)