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Experiments with GivEnergy API for Smart Plugs & Inverters

There is a wiki giving context about this project here

The main problem with the GE API to GET datapoints for a smart-device is that it does not currently support a 'from' or 'to' date/time range. For the client application it means that potentially several pages needs to be scanned until the required time range is covered.

This java code creates a cache in uuid.tmp which reflects the timestamp and power readings for each datapoint. Subsequent requests will maintain the cache while minimising the traffic needed against the GE API for smart plugs.

Latest snapshot icarus.jar in /download/ or choose release version

See download folder for wrapper scripts and latest snapshot prebuilt jar

Or see
for complete source code & release version of icarus.jar


Key "smart-device" value needs to be defined in the property file for GivEnergy API Token [api:smart-device] for successful use of following option:

java -jar icarus.jar property_file_name [alias [from_timestamp [to_timestamp]]]

Key "inverter" value needs to be defined in the property file for GivEnergy API Token [api:inverter] for successful use of following options:

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter settings

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter setting read id

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter setting write id HH:MM

Extended syntax

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter meter [today [ac_charge|consumption|solar|battery [charge|discharge] | grid [import|export]]]

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter system [battery [percent|power|temperature] |inverter [power|temperature|eps_power_output_voltage|output_frequency]]


Define a property file (such as for your smart devices containing your generated api:smart-device token for example:


You can generate a GivEnergy API token for your api:smart-device and/or api:inverter here

When you execute the icarus.jar - see examples below - it will always display a warning to stderr about the expiry of the API token

INFO: Property key 'inverter' containing JWT token for ["api:inverter"] will expire Thu Sep 05 15:15:28 BST 2024

If you don't want to see this informational output, just pipe the stderr to nul

Check you API token is good by enumerating all the smart devices as follows java -jar icarus.jar

plug\ E=9cc9b483-0000-44ff-0000-1c47395fbc67

Edit the property file and paste the results so that the alias can be used on subsequent requests

# list the smart device alias and ids 


N.B. If the alias name contains spaces, it will be escaped in the properties file.
So, for instance, Washing Machine would become Washing\ Machine=uuid

Also, when passing parameters containing spaces to the jar, be sure to put them in quotes:

java -jar icarus.jar "Washing Machine"

Example 1

Analyse consumption for a device with an alias defined in for the specified timespan

java -jar icarus.jar "plug E" 2023-10-01T05:59:06Z 2023-10-01T06:15:00Z

Device <plug E>
From <2023-10-01T05:59:06Z> to <2023-10-01T06:15Z>
2023-10-01T05:59:06Z	    0.0 watts for       87 seconds	        0.00 watt-seconds (        0.00 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:00:33Z	   18.1 watts for       29 seconds	      524.90 watt-seconds (      524.90 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:01:02Z	    0.0 watts for       89 seconds	        0.00 watt-seconds (      524.90 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:02:31Z	   18.0 watts for       33 seconds	      594.00 watt-seconds (     1118.90 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:03:04Z	    0.0 watts for       88 seconds	        0.00 watt-seconds (     1118.90 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:04:32Z	   18.1 watts for       31 seconds	      561.10 watt-seconds (     1680.00 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:05:03Z	    0.0 watts for       91 seconds	        0.00 watt-seconds (     1680.00 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:06:34Z	   17.9 watts for       27 seconds	      483.30 watt-seconds (     2163.30 accumulated)
2023-10-01T06:07:01Z	    0.0 watts for   301959 seconds	        0.00 watt-seconds (     2163.30 accumulated)
1 day(s) from: 06:59 on day 274 to 07:07 on day 274    0.001 units consumed via plug E ( 120 secs using power) 

Example 2

Analyse consumption for "plug E" from the specified time until now

java -jar icarus.jar "plug E" 2023-10-01T05:59:06Z

Example 3

Analyse consumption for "plug E" for today, yesterday, past 7 days & past 30 days

java -jar icarus.jar "plug E"

Device <plug E>

From <2023-10-06T00:00+01:00> to <2023-10-06T23:59:59+01:00>
<no data>

From <2023-10-05T00:00+01:00> to <2023-10-06T00:00+01:00>
1 day(s) from: 09:52 on day 278 to 17:52 on day 278    0.178 units consumed via plug E (2485 secs using power)

Past 7 days:
From <2023-09-29T00:00+01:00> to <2023-10-06T00:00+01:00>
7 day(s) from: 01:21 on day 272 to 17:52 on day 278    0.370 units consumed via plug E (55659 secs using power)

Past 30 days:
From <2023-09-06T00:00+01:00> to <2023-10-06T00:00+01:00>
10 day(s) from: 15:26 on day 269 to 17:52 on day 278    3.903 units consumed via plug E (123466 secs using power)

Example 4

Analyse consumption for "plug E" for all datapoints

java -jar icarus.jar "plug E" 1970-01-01T00:00Z

Example 5

Display all the id values & associated validation rules that can be used

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter settings

Example 6

Display the AC Charge 1 End Time

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter setting read 65

Example 7

Display the battery percentage, power and temperature

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter system battery

Example 8

Display the solar generation for today

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter meter today solar

Example 9

Display the today's grid import

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter meter today grid import

Example 10

Get the grid related data in csv format for the specified date and dump it in file "2024-07-01.csv"

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter system internal 2024-07-01 grid csv file

Example 11

Get the grid related data in json format for the specified date and display to stdout

java -jar icarus.jar ./ inverter system internal 2024-07-01 grid

Example 12

Get all data in json format for the specified date and display to stdout

java -jar icarus.jar ../ inverter system internal 2024-09-04

n.b. This can generate a lot of output, use with care and don't use repeatedly without pausing between api calls

  }, {
    "grid_power" : 3,
    "grid_import" : 0,
    "grid_export" : 3,
    "generation" : 423,
    "string_generation_1" : 423,
    "string_generation_2" : 0,
    "string_current_1" : 1,
    "string_current_2" : 0,
    "string_voltage_1" : 241.5,
    "string_voltage_2" : 0.0,
    "battery_power" : 14,
    "battery_charge" : 0,
    "battery_discharge" : 14,
    "demanded_power" : 364,
    "inverter_power" : -34,
    "grid_voltage" : 241.5,
    "battery_voltage" : 314.22,
    "battery_percentage" : 64,
    "battery_temperature" : 25.3,
    "eps_output_power" : 362,
    "power_factor" : 0.1,
    "grid_current" : 0.4,
    "grid_frequency" : 50.04,
    "inverter_voltage" : 241.5,
    "inverter_frequency" : 50.04,
    "inverter_temperature" : 39.8,
    "solar_generation_energy_today" : 0.4,
    "solar_generation_energy_total" : 2696.6,
    "battery_throughput_energy_today" : null,
    "battery_throughput_energy_total" : 4236.5,
    "battery_charge_energy_today" : 0.9,
    "battery_charge_energy_total" : 2118.25,
    "battery_discharge_energy_today" : 3.6,
    "battery_discharge_energy_total" : 2118.25,
    "grid_import_energy_today" : 1.2,
    "grid_import_energy_total" : 1751.6,
    "grid_export_energy_today" : 0.1,
    "grid_export_energy_total" : 792.8,
    "ac_charge_energy_today" : 0.9,
    "ac_charge_energy_total" : 2280.7,
    "inverter_energy_today" : 3.4,
    "inverter_energy_total" : 1916.7,
    "consumption_energy_today" : 4.0,
    "consumption_energy_total" : 3291.4,
    "id" : 6339041,
    "time" : "2024-07-01 07:58:28",
    "ftime" : "2024-07-01 07:58:28",
    "timestamp" : 1719820708,
    "status" : "NORMAL"
  }, {


Experiments with GivEnergy API for Smart Plugs & Inverters





