This script is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The use of this script is at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damage or loss of data that may occur as a result of using this script. By using this script, you agree to these terms.
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Watch showcase video on youtube
- For hac5 rubberDucky: simply install the payload.txt onto the badUSB.
- For RPI-pico: install the pico ducky and then replace the content of the payload.dd with the content of the payload.txt
- For Arduino-based badUSBs: use the Arduino ide to compile and upload the payload.ino file onto the badUSB
A badUSB script that gains full admin access to a windows machine from the login screen.
- It reboots into safe mode
- It opens a cmd from safe mode
- It changes the Utilman.exe to be a cmd.exe
- It boots back into windows
- It opens the help menu which has been replaced with a cmd instance
- It creates a new admin account named
with the password1234
- It logs into the new account