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Add parsing of profiles
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suvayu committed Sep 18, 2024
1 parent 1901314 commit 9bc1c34
Showing 7 changed files with 210 additions and 35 deletions.
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/esdl4tulipa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,11 +4,26 @@
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
from .mapping import TAssets
from .profiles import influx_to_tulipa

def insert_into(con: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, tbl: str, records: tuple[TAssets, ...]):
"""Insert Tulipa records into DuckDB."""
df = pd.DataFrame(asdict(i) for i in records) # noqa: F841
return _insert_into(con, tbl, df)

def insert_profile_into(con: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, tbl: str, df: pd.DataFrame):
"""Insert Tulipa records into DuckDB."""
df = influx_to_tulipa(df)
return _insert_into(con, tbl, df)

def _insert_into(con: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, tbl: str, df: pd.DataFrame):
# FIXME: use prepared statements
con.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {tbl} AS SELECT * FROM df")
tbl_test = con.sql(f"SELECT name FROM (SHOW TABLES) WHERE name = {tbl!r}").df()
if tbl_test.empty:
con.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {tbl} AS SELECT * FROM df")
con.execute(f"INSERT INTO {tbl} SELECT * FROM df")
return tbl
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/esdl4tulipa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -19,13 +19,18 @@ def unguarded_is_dataclass(_type: Type[T], /) -> bool:
return is_dataclass(_type)

# keys for which there is no ESDL equivalent
_keys_not_in_esdl = ("profile", "from_asset", "to_asset")

class AssetData:
"""Base dataclass to represent :ref:`esdl.esdl.EnergyAsset`."""

name: str = ""
id: str = ""
active: bool = False
profile: str = ""

def esdl_key(cls, key: str) -> str:
@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ def esdl_key(cls, key: str) -> str: # noqa: D102

class _producer_t(AssetData): # noqa: D101
class _cost_n_lifetime_t(AssetData): # noqa: D101
investment_cost: float | None = None
variable_cost: float | None = None
lifetime: float | None = None
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ def esdl_key(cls, key: str) -> str: # noqa: D102

class producer_t(_producer_t): # noqa: D101
class producer_t(_cost_n_lifetime_t): # noqa: D101
initial_capacity: float | None = None

@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ def esdl_key(cls, key: str) -> str: # noqa: D102

class flow_t(_producer_t): # noqa: D101
class flow_t(_cost_n_lifetime_t): # noqa: D101
from_asset: str = ""
to_asset: str = ""
capacity: float | None = None
90 changes: 69 additions & 21 deletions src/esdl4tulipa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
"""Load and parse an ESDL file."""

import contextlib
from import Callable
from dataclasses import fields
from functools import reduce
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable
from typing import Any
from typing import Generator
from typing import Protocol
from typing import TypeAlias
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import cast
import pandas as pd
from esdl import esdl
from esdl.esdl_handler import EnergySystemHandler
from pyecore.ecore import EOrderedSet
from tabulate import tabulate
from .profiles import gen_profile_name
from .profiles import get_influx_profile
from .profiles import get_profiles
from .mapping import TAssets
from .mapping import asset_types
from .mapping import flow_t
@@ -80,8 +86,8 @@ def batched(
technical term: `cdr` of an edge). Example, the following
- (from, link, to) -> (link, to)
- (from, to₂) -> (to)
- (from, link, to) -> (link, to)
- (from, to₂) -> (to)
- (from, ...)
are represented as the sequence: (link, to₁, to₂, ...)
@@ -222,6 +228,44 @@ def merge_assets(asset1: TAssets, asset2: TAssets, **overrides) -> flow_t:
return flow_t(**merged)

class Maker(Protocol): # noqa: D101
def __call__( # noqa: D102
from_: esdl.EnergyAsset,
to_: esdl.EnergyAsset,
link: esdl.EnergyAsset | None = None,
) -> tuple[Any, ...]: ...

def make_flow_quartet(
from_: esdl.EnergyAsset, to_: esdl.EnergyAsset, link: esdl.EnergyAsset | None = None
) -> tuple[flow_t, TAssets, TAssets, list[esdl.InfluxDBProfile]]:
"""Make a (flow, from_asset, to_asset, [profile]) quartet."""
from_asset = fill_asset(from_)
to_asset = fill_asset(to_)
if link is None:
if profiles := get_profiles(from_, to_):
name = gen_profile_name(profiles[0]) # assume one
name = ""
flow = merge_assets(from_asset, to_asset, profile=name)
if profiles := get_profiles(from_, link, to_):
name = gen_profile_name(profiles[0]) # assume one
name = ""
# reset 'name' & 'id' for flow
overrides = {
"name": "",
"id": "",
"profile": name,
flow = cast(flow_t, fill_asset(link, **overrides))
return (flow, from_asset, to_asset, profiles if profiles else [])

def edge_is_allowed(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> bool:
"""Check if the asset combination defines a valid Tulipa edge/flow.
@@ -251,18 +295,26 @@ def edge_is_allowed(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> bool:
return {"energynetwork"} == _kinds if len(_kinds) < 2 else True

def edge(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> tuple[flow_t, TAssets, TAssets]:
def edge(
*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset, maker: Maker = make_flow_quartet
) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
"""Create a Tulipa flow, and assets from ESDL assets.
*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset
Set of ESDL assets to link and convert.
maker: Maker
Function to create the edge. Normally the function should
return a flow quartet:
tuple[flow_t, TAssets, TAssets, list[esdl.InfluxDBProfile]]
tuple[TAssets, ...]
Tuple of (flow, from_asset, to_asset)
tuple[Any, ...]
Typically a tuple of (flow, from_asset, to_asset, [profile])
@@ -293,8 +345,7 @@ def edge(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> tuple[flow_t, TAssets, TAssets]:
| esdl.Storage()
| esdl.EnergyNetwork() as a2,
) if edge_is_allowed(a1, a2):
from_asset, to_asset = map(fill_asset, assets)
flow = merge_assets(from_asset, to_asset)
return maker(a1, a2)
case (
| esdl.Conversion()
@@ -307,19 +358,11 @@ def edge(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> tuple[flow_t, TAssets, TAssets]:
| esdl.EnergyNetwork() as a2,
) if edge_is_allowed(a1, link, a2):
# NOTE: len(kinds(...)) <= 2 to support EnergyNetwork -> EnergyNetwork
from_asset = fill_asset(a1)
to_asset = fill_asset(a2)
flow = cast(
# reset 'name' & 'id' for flow
fill_asset(link,,, name="", id=""),
return maker(a1, a2, link)
case _:
# NOTE: unhandled case: asset, transport, ..., asset
raise ValueError(f"{assets=}: uncharted territory!")

return (flow, from_asset, to_asset)

def itr_nodes(
asset: esdl.EnergyAsset, edges: list[esdl.EnergyAsset], depth: int
@@ -366,7 +409,7 @@ def itr_nodes(
def hop_nodes(
asset: esdl.EnergyAsset, edges: list[esdl.EnergyAsset], depth: int = 1
) -> list[esdl.EnergyAsset]:
"""Find all the assets that have an incoming flow from initially provided asset.
"""For out flows from the provided asset, find all the destination assets.
@@ -505,14 +548,19 @@ def parse_graph(
return res

def load(path: str) -> tuple[tuple[flow_t, ...], tuple[TAssets, ...]]:
def load(
path: str,
) -> tuple[tuple[flow_t, ...], tuple[TAssets, ...], tuple[pd.DataFrame, ...]]:
"""Load ESDL file and parse nodes."""
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(StringIO()):
ensys = _HANDLER.load_file(path)
edges = parse_graph(ensys, find_edges, [])
flows: tuple[flow_t] = tuple(edge[0] for edge in edges)
assets: tuple[TAssets, ...] = tuple(set(chain(*(edge[1:] for edge in edges))))
return flows, assets
assets: tuple[TAssets, ...] = tuple(set(chain(*(edge[1:3] for edge in edges))))
profiles = tuple(
get_influx_profile(p) for p in set(edge[-1][0] for edge in edges if edge[-1])
) # assume only one
return flows, assets, profiles

def debug(path: str) -> esdl.EnergySystem:
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/esdl4tulipa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"""Retrieve profiles associated to energy assets."""

from itertools import pairwise
import numpy.testing as np_test
import pandas as pd
from esdl import esdl
from esdl.profiles.influxdbprofilemanager import ConnectionSettings
from esdl.profiles.influxdbprofilemanager import InfluxDBProfileManager

def influx_to_tulipa(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Convert InfluxDB profile to match Tulipa schema."""
name = df.attrs["profile"]
*_, influx_field = name.rsplit(":", maxsplit=1)
np_test.assert_array_equal(df.columns, ["datetime", influx_field])
year = df["datetime"].dt.year
name_dt = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
(name, y, n)
for y, count in year.groupby(year).count().items()
for n in range(1, count + 1)
columns=["name", "year", "period"],
return pd.concat([name_dt, df.iloc[:, -1].rename("value")], axis=1)

def get_influx_profile(profile: esdl.InfluxDBProfile):
"""Read profiles from TNO's EDR as a `pandas.DataFrame`."""
settings = ConnectionSettings(,
manager = InfluxDBProfileManager(settings=settings)
df = pd.DataFrame(manager.profile_data_list, columns=manager.profile_header)
df.attrs = {"profile": gen_profile_name(profile)}
return df

def _get_profile(port: esdl.InPort | esdl.OutPort) -> esdl.InfluxDBProfile | None:
if len(port.profile) > 0:
profile = port.profile[0]
if "edr" in
return profile

def gen_profile_name(profile: esdl.InfluxDBProfile):
"""Generate a profile name as 'measurement:field'."""
return f"{profile.measurement}:{profile.field}"

def get_profiles(*assets: esdl.EnergyAsset) -> list[esdl.InfluxDBProfile]:
"""Read profile associated to the edge."""
if len(assets) == 1:
profiles = [
_port1.profile[0] for _port1 in assets[0].port if len(_port1.profile) > 0
nassets = len(assets)
profiles = []
for i, (a1, a2) in enumerate(pairwise(assets)):
for _port1 in filter(lambda p: isinstance(p, esdl.OutPort), a1.port):
for _port2 in _port1.connectedTo:
if (
isinstance(_port2, esdl.InPort)
and a2 == _port2.energyasset
and (_prof := _get_profile(_port1))
if (nassets - 2 == i) and (_prof := _get_profile(_port2)):
return profiles
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import duckdb

from esdl4tulipa.db import insert_into
from esdl4tulipa.db import insert_profile_into
from esdl4tulipa.parser import load

import pytest
@@ -13,6 +14,11 @@ def flows_assets():
return load("tests/data/esdl/norse-mythology-good.esdl")

def flows_assets_profiles():
return load("tests/data/esdl/Tiny-edr-profiles.esdl")

def test_insert(flows_assets):
tblnames = ("flow_table", "asset_table")
records = {k: v for k, v in zip(tblnames, flows_assets)}
@@ -33,3 +39,16 @@ def test_insert(flows_assets):
assert _type == df.dtypes[]
assert f.type == df.dtypes[]

def test_insert_profile(flows_assets_profiles):
*_, profiles = flows_assets_profiles
profiles = profiles[:3] # only use 3, to shorten time
tbl = "profile_table"
con = duckdb.connect() # can have db file as argument

for profile in profiles:
assert tbl == insert_profile_into(con, tbl, profile)

res = con.sql(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tbl}").df()
assert sum(p.shape[0] for p in profiles) == res.iloc[0, 0]
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from esdl4tulipa.mapping import AssetData
from esdl4tulipa.mapping import asset_types
from esdl4tulipa.mapping import _producer_t
from esdl4tulipa.mapping import _keys_not_in_esdl
from esdl4tulipa.mapping import _cost_n_lifetime_t
import pytest
import re

@@ -49,11 +50,10 @@ def test_esdl_key(kind):
assert asset.esdl_key(fld)
except AssertionError:
if fld in ("from_asset", "to_asset"):
# from & to nodes have no ESDL equivalent
if fld in _keys_not_in_esdl:

if isinstance(asset, _producer_t) and key_re.match(fld):
if isinstance(asset, _cost_n_lifetime_t) and key_re.match(fld):
assert esdl_re.match(asset.esdl_key(fld))
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -193,18 +193,22 @@ def test_parse_graph():

"fname, nflows, nassets",
"fname, nflows, nassets, nprofiles",
("Tiny.esdl", 4, 5),
("norse-mythology-good.esdl", 35, 29),
("vehicle_charging_etc.esdl", 13, 12),
("Tiny.esdl", 4, 5, 0),
("norse-mythology-good.esdl", 35, 29, 0),
("vehicle_charging_etc.esdl", 13, 12, 0),
("Tiny-edr-profiles.esdl", 4, 5, 1),
("norse-mythology-edr-profiles.esdl", 35, 29, 5),
("vehicle_charging_etc_edr_profiles.esdl", 13, 12, 4),
def test_load(fname, nflows, nassets):
def test_load(fname, nflows, nassets, nprofiles):
# TODO: test more meaningful things
flows, assets = load(f"tests/data/esdl/{fname}")
flows, assets, profiles = load(f"tests/data/esdl/{fname}")
assert len(flows) == nflows
assert len(assets) == nassets
assert len(profiles) == nprofiles


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