This script produces vcard-files in the export directory. The Input-File is generated by the ASV, the "Amtliche Schulverwaltung" of Bavaria. You can download the file "asv2vcard.exf" and import it into the ASV or create an "Exportformat" with the fields Familienname Rufname Telefonnummer Handynummer Skript 5 Skript 6 Skript 7
where Skript 5 is a script to generate the private E-Mail in the necessary format:
if (obj?.lehrerStamm.kommunikationen != null) {
// Feldwert zurückgeben
def pattern = /Mail priv. - \S+@\S+\.\w{2,}/
def match = obj?.lehrerStamm?.kommunikationen =~ pattern
if (match.find()) {
def adresse = /\S+@\S+\.\w{2,}/
def privat = match[0] =~ adresse
def email = privat[0]
else {def email = ""}
} else {
// Entwertungszeichen oder Text zurückgeben
def email = ""
where Skript 6 is a script to generate the work E-Mail in the necessary format:
if (obj?.lehrerStamm.kommunikationen != null) {
// Feldwert zurückgeben
def pattern = /Mail dstl. - \S+@\S+\.\w{2,}/
def match = obj?.lehrerStamm?.kommunikationen =~ pattern
if (match.find()) {
def adresse = /\S+@\S+\.\w{2,}/
def privat = match[0] =~ adresse
def email = privat[0]
else {def email = ""}
} else {
// Entwertungszeichen oder Text zurückgeben
def email = ""
where Skript 7 is a script to generate the birthdate in the necessary format:
if (obj?.lehrerStamm.geburtsdatum != null) {
// Feldwert zurückgeben
def bday = obj?.lehrerStamm?.geburtsdatum.format("yyyy-MM-dd")
} else {
// Entwertungszeichen oder Text zurückgeben
def bday = ""
python3 export.csv
This script is based on the following script:
A Python script that parses a .csv file of contacts and automatically creates vCards. The vCards are super useful for sending your contact details or those of your team. You can also upload them to e.g. Dropbox and use them with QR codes! You can also use them for transferring new contacts to Outlook, a new CRM etc. The specific use case in mind was to programmatically create vCards from a list of contacts in a spreadsheet, to be incorporated into business cards.
Install package with
pip3 install csv2vcard
Create csv file with contacts
CSV file format (delimeter can be changed in csv_delimeter param, see below)
last_name, first_name, org, title, phone, email, website, street, city, p_code, country
Important: you should name the columns exactly the same way because they are used as keys to generate the vCards
cd yourcsvfoldername
go to the folder where you have your csv file -
Open python
(gotcha: using Python 3.6 features) -
Import module
from csv2vcard import csv2vcard
Now you have 2 options for running (both will create an /export/ dir for your vCard):
- Test the app with
. This will create a Forrest Gump test vCard. - Use your real data
csv2vcard.csv2vcard("yourcsvfilename", ",")
where "," is your csv delimeter. This will create all your vCards.