S0 pulse counter and jeelib compliant serial output for emonhub/emoncms.
The on-board led flashes for each detected pulse to indicate activity.
With external wiring (to be documented) DTR based reset can be suppressed. If disabled the Arduino does not reset when a terminal connects to the serial interface, avoiding data losses while counting.
The Arduino can be configured via a serial command interface defined below.
There is a small command interface available via the serial interface (8|N|1, 38400 Baud).
Available commands:
<nn>i - set node IDs (standard node ids are 1..30) and write to EEPROM
<nnnnnnn>s - set total energy [1/10 KWh]. Total energy consumption is written into EEPROM on periodic basis.
(Default: EE_STORE_INTERVAL = 1 hour)
r - Toggle auto-reset mode (DTR based reset) needed for flashing, but should be disabled in productive setups.
If disabled the Arduino does not reset when a terminal connects to the serial interface, avoiding data losses.
d - Toggle serial debug
v - Show firmware version
f - Show emonhub node configuration
###Interfacers Section
Type = EmonHubJeeInterfacer
com_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 // Depending on your setup
#com_port = /dev/ttyAMA0
com_baud = 38400
pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
subchannels = ToRFM12,
baseid = 9 # emonPi / emonBase nodeID
# List of nodes by node ID
# 'datacode' is default for node and 'datacodes' are per value data codes.
# if both are present 'datacode' is ignored in favour of 'datacodes'
nodename = nanoBot3
firmware = nanobot.ino
hardware = arduino-nano
names = curPower,curPulseCount,intervalTime,accPulseCount,totPulseCount,totEnergy
datacodes = H, H, L, L, L, I
scales = 0.1,1,1,1,1,0.01
units = VA, p, us, p, p, kWh
nanobot.ino propvides a configuration section.
//----------------------------nanoBot Settings----------------------------------
byte nodeID = 9; // nanoBot node ID used on the serial interface
const int firmware_version = 90; // firmware version x100 (100 = V1.00)
const unsigned long BAUD_RATE = 38400; // Baud rate serial interface
const int TIME_BETWEEN_READINGS = 5000; // Time between readings (ms).
The next pulse triggers an output on the serial interface.
Suppresses too high frequency of outputs.
Multiple pulses are accumulated within TIME_BETWEEN_READINGS interval.
const byte min_pulsewidth = 110; // minimum width of interrupt pulse
To avoid errors caused by bouncing of mechanical switches.
//----------------------------nanoBot hard-wired connections--------------------
const byte LEDpin = 13; // standard Arduino-Nano LED
const byte DisableResetPin = 4; // dig. I/O pin used to disable auto-reset
const byte PulsePin = 3; // interrupt enabled pin: either dig pin 2 or 3
//----------------------------energy meter configuration------------------------
const int ppwh = 2; // 2000 pulses/kwh = 2 pulses per wh
//----------------------------eeprom settings-----------------------------------
const unsigned long EE_STORE_INTERVAL = 3600000ul; // Time between config is stored in EEPROM (ms) -> each full hour
Node ID curPower, curPulseCount, intervalTime, accPulseCount, totPulseCount, totEnergy, rssi (not used)
OK 9 141 35 2 0 2 08 90 60 0 156 11 51 0 49 17 197 0 117 218 9 0 (-0)
(does not match aboves example output)
2017-12-04 19:47:33,201 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/curPower 900.4
2017-12-04 19:47:33,203 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/curPulseCount 2
2017-12-04 19:47:33,204 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/intervalTime 3997980
2017-12-04 19:47:33,205 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/accPulseCount 3345598
2017-12-04 19:47:33,207 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/totPulseCount 12915283
2017-12-04 19:47:33,208 DEBUG MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/totEnergy 6457.64
2017-12-04 19:47:33,209 INFO MQTT Publishing: emon/nanoBot3/rssi 0