A small PHP library for accessing the StubHub API.
For more information about the StubHub API, visit: http://stubhubapi.stubhub.com/
This project is based on the Ruby implementation by 'rloomba': https://github.com/rloomba/stubhub
require_once "./lib/stubhub.php";
// Search for an event
$events = Event::search("The Rolling Stones");
// Search for a venue
$venues = Venue::search("Arena");
// Search for a genre
$genres = Genre:search("Comedy");
// Get a single event by event id
$event = Event::find_event_by_id(1234);
// Get ticket details for specific event
$tickets = Event::tickets(1234);
// Get ticket by ticket ID
$ticket = Ticket::find_ticket_by_ticket_id(654321);
This project is not under active development. If your a developer and found this useful, please consider contributing to and improving this project.