Bug or feature would be accepted as a PR or is being worked on
Ocelot feature: Administration
Ocelot feature: Request Aggregation
Ocelot feature: Authentication
Ocelot feature: Authorization
Identified as a potential bug
Ocelot feature: Claims Transformation
Ocelot feature: Configuration
Feature branch has merge conflicts
Service discovery by Consul
Ocelot Core related or system upgrade (not a public feature)
Cross-Origin Requests (CORS) in ASP.NET Core vs OPTIONS verb and Preflight requests
Critical priority, higher than Highest. It requires hotfix ASAP
Ocelot feature: Delegating Handlers
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Ocelot feature: Dependency Injection
DevOps tasks: CI-CD, environments, and other scripts, configurations
Something related to Docker environment
Needs a documentation update
Duplicated by another issue
Ocelot feature: Error Handling
Service discovery by Eureka
Should be pretty easy to do
Ocelot feature: Headers Transformation