Welcome to my coding world! 🚀
I'm an enthusiastic 19-year-old student and self-taught developer from India, currently pursuing my B.Tech CSE at Geeta University.
Exploring the fascinating realms of technology and creating exciting projects is my passion! 💻
from world import love
class HumanBeing:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Kaushik Goswami"
self.pronouns = ["He", "Him"]
self.role = "Full-Stack Developer"
self.code = ["Python", "Javascript", "Typescript", "PHP"]
self.tools = ["VSCode", "Git", "GitHub"]
self.askMeAbout = ["tech", "linux", "web development", "discord", "anime"]
self.technologies = {
"frontEnd": ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript"],
"backEnd": ["Python", "NodeJS"],
"databases": ["MongoDB", "MySQL"],
"cloud": ["Heroku", "AWS", "Azure"],
"frameworks": ["Bootstrap", "ReactJS", "NextJS", "Vite", "Flask", "Django"],
"misc": ["Ubuntu", "Raspberry Pi", "Arduino"]
self.currentFocus = "Data Structures and Algorithms with Python 🚀"
self.funFact = "🌼|| लगाव ही पीड़ा है, करुणा ही क्रूरता है और अंत ही आरंभ है ||🌼"
def say_hi(self):
print("Thanks for stopping by! Let's create something awesome together!")
coder = HumanBeing()
I'm always eager to collaborate on exciting projects and connect with fellow developers and tech enthusiasts like you! Feel free to reach out and say hi. You can find me on Discord or drop me an email at [email protected].