Toy models for Bondi-like gauges of GR. Supplementary material for arxiv 2007.06419.
Change to your local directory where the repository "BondiToy" is saved. The module can be installed using Julia's REPL mode:
julia> ]
pkg> add .
The module is tested against Julia 1.3.1 on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04).
The different toy models are under the "examples" directory labelled as "HYPERBOLICITY_GIVENDATA_SOURCES.jl", where HYPERBOLICITY is "WH" or "SH" for weakly and strongly hyperbolic respectively, GIVENDATA is "smooth" or "noise" and the different SOURCES choices are "B0", "B1", "B2" and "B3". To run the example of choice type in bash
julia example.jl
Multi-threading is supported. To enable it type in bash
julia example.jl
where n is the number of threads in multi-threading.
Data are saved in "examples/run00" and their analysis can be performed with the scripts in "examples/data_analysis". To analyse the L2-norm of smooth data you first need to run "examples/data_analysis/norms_self_2d.jl" for the different resolutions that the example with smooth data is simulated. The resulting L2-norms can be found under "examples/run00/example/norms_self_2".