@talentsoft-opensource/integration-widget-contract > "widget-contract-myts" > MyTSHostService
This interface represents the data and services offered by the Talentsoft host
- getUrlForCurrentContext
- loadData
- openUrlInCurrentTab
- openUrlInNewTab
- requestExternalResource
- setDataIsLoaded
● getUrlForCurrentContext: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:45
warning This method is deprecated and should not be used.
▸(url: string
): Promise
Name | Type |
url | string |
Returns: Promise
● loadData: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:29
warning This method is deprecated and should not be used.
▸(): Promise
Returns: Promise
● openUrlInCurrentTab: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:41
This method allows to create an autoconnect link and open it in the current tab.
▸(url: string
): void
Name | Type |
url | string |
Returns: void
● openUrlInNewTab: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:37
This method allows to create an autoconnect link and open it in a new tab.
▸(url: string
): void
Name | Type |
url | string |
Returns: void
● requestExternalResource: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:49
This methods allows to send an authentified request to an external resource.
▸(options: RequestOptions): Promise
Name | Type |
options | RequestOptions |
Returns: Promise
● setDataIsLoaded: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:33
This method must be called when the widget is ready to be displayed to the user.
▸(): void
Returns: void
● getPreloadedResources: function
Defined in widget-contract-myts.ts:79
This method allows to retrieve customized resources by the client if he has done so, or resources given by the partner if not. The client can customize labels. His customizations will only be available to him. If the language used is not available among the given resources, the default resources are taken from "default.json".
▸(): void
Returns: Promise
<Record<string, string>>