Term: Fall 2018
Team # 5
Projec title: Recommendation System --Using Spark Platform
Team members
Xie, Yiding [email protected]
Xing, Yang [email protected]
Zhou, Zhibo [email protected]
Project summary In this project, we applied Alternating Least Square algorithm on Spark platform to provide movie recommendations to clients. We obtained data from 'Movielens', it has over 27 million ratings and more than 58 thousand movies.
Basic Algorithm (Alternating Least Square)
The running time for our model is 97.435 second.
Example In this recomendation system, clients are allowed to input their concerned movies and corresponding ratings. For example, there is a user 0.
The running time for retrain our model is 97.435 second.
This is the actual recommendation for user 0.
Performance The RMSE for our model is 0.8188. (Similar competitions were hosted by Netflix and their best RMSE is 0.9514.
Conclusion Taking advantage of cloud computing. Model has the capability of adding new user/rating and re-train in a very short period of time. Going forward, with more computational power, we can further reduce the computing time and hopefully close to real time
emr - 5.19.0, Spark 2.3.2 on Hadoop 2.8.5 YARN with Ganglia 3.7.2 and Zeppelin 0.8.0
master: m5.4xlarge
slaves: 3 * m5.4xlarge
Contribution statement: (default) All team members are major contributors in this project. All team members approve our work presented in this GitHub repository including this contributions statement.
Following suggestions by RICH FITZJOHN (@richfitz). This folder is orgarnized as follows.
├── lib/
├── data/
├── doc/
├── figs/
└── output/
Please see each subfolder for a README file.