- Arduino UNO
- RFID module
- RFID tags
- LCD screen and I2C module
- SG90 Servo motor
- Door lock
- Jumper wires
- Iron string
- Brown wire --> GND
- Red wire --> VIN
- Orange wire --> D3
- 3.3V --> 3.3V
- RST --> D9
- GND --> GND
- MISO --> D12
- MOSI --> D11
- SCK --> D13
- SDA --> D10
- GND --> GND
- VCC --> 5V
- SDA --> A4
- SCL --> A5
- LED positive --> D4
- LED negative --> one end of the resistor
- other end of the resistor --> GND
- Rows --> 5, 6, 7, 8
- Columns --> A0, A1, A2, A3