Repo for Fall 2018 Embedded Interface Design class
For Project1 Referernces:
- Adafruit packages for the DHT-22
Run this project on rpi using the following command on terminal :python3 ./
The project is my work alone. Any similarities with anyone else's work other than the ones specified in the references is purely coincidental. The Project requires me to interface a temp/humidity sensor DHT-22 with RPI and design a UI to display the current temperature, humidity, time of requesting, the status of the sensor and so on. There are 3 files in the project namely- , and The file and have been generated from the corresponding myQT.ui and login.ui using the command : pyuic5 file.ui > The is the file for the login screen which pops up initially as soon as the program is run. It asks for username and login. The username is 'shreya' and the password is 'eid'. Only when the username and password match the main application window is diplayed on the screen. All the basic functionalities have been fulfilled in the project. The application window called the Temperature and Sensor Analysis displayes sensor status whether conected or disconnected, current temperature, current humidity avg temp, avg humidity, a slider to set temp and humidity alarm and an alarm notification doe the alarm set. It has a 'refresh' button to display new temperature and humidity along with the time of the request. Each and everytime refresh is clicked the temp, hum, avg temp and avg humidity values are stored in a list which is later used to generate a graph. The generate Graph push button pops up a graph generated using matplotlib.
The following extra credit options have been attempted
- A login screen to secure the application.
- Retrieve temp/hum values on a timer and store n values for a graph.
- Calculate and display the average temp & hum on the graph.
- Make a graphic of a thermometer that shows current retrieved data.
- Allow user to set an alarm for an input high or low temperature or humidity value.
- Celcius to Faranheit changing option.