Myntra is a major Indian fashion e-commerce company. It is a one-stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle needs.
This is a collaborative project built by a team of 7 members in 5 days.
- JavaScript
(No External Library Used)
- Authentication process with JavaScript LocalStorage.
- Cool multilevel Navigation bar.
- Dynamic Products using locally created json data.
- Filteration and sorting in real time.
- All the product description, prices, discounts, Coupons, donations are updated in real time.
- Address, Payment and Checkout feature done with LocalStorage.
- π€ Sanjay Gupta
- π€ Shibshankar Padhy
- π€ Kashif Rezwi
- π€ Vivek Kumar
- π€ Bhupendra Chandrakar
- π€ Pushkaraj Lolusare
- π€ Theja Swaroop