BookCrossing is the implementation of a simple service for the exchange of paper books.
- Java 17 and above
- Maven
- PostgreSQL
- User registration/authorization
- List of users
- Updating profile data
- Adding/removing a book description
- List of books
- Basic messenger
- Bookmarks
- Administrative functions for blocking/unblocking users
git clone
cd BookCrossingServer
./mvnw clean package
./mvnw clean package docker:build -DskipTests
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests
docker-compose --project-name="pg-bookscrossing" up -d
docker-compose --project-name="pg-bookscrossing" down
docker-compose --file docker-compose-full.yml --project-name="bookscrossing-full" up -d
docker-compose --project-name="bookscrossing-full" down
Swagger UI interactive documentation for localhost
Found a bug? Have an idea for an improvement? Feel free to file an issue.