Simple java parser for receiving youtube video meta info and download videos and audio of all available formats.
Since 2.0.0 supports downloading videos with signature.
Since 2.2.0 supports retrieving HLS url for live videos.
Since 2.2.4 supports retrieving video subtitles.
Since 2.3.0 supports retrieving playlists.
Since 2.4.0 supports cancellation for async video downloading.
Notice: Youtube API does not support a video download. In fact, it is prohibited - Terms of Service - II. Prohibitions.
This project is used only for educational purposes.
// init downloader
YoutubeDownloader downloader = new YoutubeDownloader();
// you can easly implement or extend default parsing logic
YoutubeDownloader downloader = new YoutubeDownloader(new Parser());
// or just extend functionality via existing API
// cipher features
downloader.addCipherFunctionPattern(2, "\\b([a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\\s*=\\s*function\\(\\s*a\\s*\\)\\s*\\{\\s*a\\s*=\\s*a\\.split\\(\\s*\"\"\\s*\\)");
downloader.addCipherFunctionEquivalent("some regex for js function", new CustomJavaFunction());
// extractor features
downloader.setParserRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36");
// parsing data
String videoId = "abc12345"; // for url
YoutubeVideo video = downloader.getVideo(videoId);
// video details
VideoDetails details = video.details();
details.thumbnails().forEach(image -> System.out.println("Thumbnail: " + image));
// get videos with audio
List<AudioVideoFormat> videoWithAudioFormats = video.videoWithAudioFormats();
videoWithAudioFormats.forEach(it -> {
System.out.println(it.audioQuality() + " : " + it.url());
// filtering only video formats
List<VideoFormat> videoFormats = video.findVideoWithQuality(VideoQuality.hd720);
videoFormats.forEach(it -> {
System.out.println(it.videoQuality() + " : " + it.url());
// itags can be found here -
Format formatByItag = video.findFormatByItag(136);
if (formatByItag != null) {
File outputDir = new File("my_videos");
Format format = videoFormats.get(0);
// sync downloading
File file =, outputDir);
// async downloading with callback
Future<File> future = video.downloadAsync(videoFormats.get(0), outputDir, new OnYoutubeDownloadListener() {
public void onDownloading(int progress) {
System.out.printf("Downloaded %d%%\n", progress);
public void onFinished(File file) {
System.out.println("Finished file: " + file);
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
System.out.println("Error: " + throwable.getLocalizedMessage());
// async downloading without callback
Future<File> future = video.downloadAsync(format, outputDir);
File file = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// cancel downloading
future.cancel(true); // true is required to interrupt downloading thread
// live videos and streams
if (video.details().isLive()) {
System.out.println("Live Stream HLS URL: " + video.details().liveUrl());
// naming
// by default file name will be same as video title on youtube,
// but you can specify output file name
File myAwesomeFile =, outputDir, "myAwesomeName");
System.out.println(file.getName()); // myAwesomeName.mp4
// if file with such name already exits sufix will be added myAwesomeFile(1).mp4
// you may disable this feature by passing overwrite flag
File myAwesomeFile =, outputDir, "myAwesomeName", true);
// subtitles
// you can get subtitles from video captions if you have already parsed video meta
List<SubtitlesInfo> subtitles = video.subtitles(); // NOTE: includes auto-generated
// if you don't need video meta, but just subtitles use this instead
List<SubtitlesInfo> subtitles = downloader.getVideoSubtitles(videoId); // NOTE: does not include auto-generated
for (SubtitlesInfo info : subtitles) {
Subtitles subtitles = info.getSubtitles()
// sync download
String subtitlesData =;
// async download
Future<String> subtitlesFuture = subtitles.downloadAsync(callback/*optional*/);
// to download using external download manager
String downloadUrl = subtitles.getDownloadUrl();
// playlists
// parsing data
String playlistId = "abc12345"; // for url
YoutubePlaylist playlist = downloader.getPlaylist(playlistId);
// playlist details
PlaylistDetails details = playlist.details();
// get video details
PlaylistVideoDetails videoDetails = playlist.videos().get(0);
// get video
YoutubeVideo video = downloader.getVideo(videoDetails.videoId());
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.sealedtx:java-youtube-downloader:2.4.1'
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// For Kotlin projects
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"