For Executable Applications in various OS download here
Interact with keys and mouse: b = cycle blur left and right = cycle size up and down = rotate 8/2 + 4/6 = crop size ‘+’/’-‘= cycle Strength s = save u = upload image r = resize to frame H = Toggle Help text Any problems/bugs contact me here . Currently “-” button is temperamental.
To create this app, I had to learn how classpaths work. At first, I tried working with maven dependencies. But after I ran into issues with some libraries I needed that weren't available, I learned how to create them myself. But before executing I realised that it would be quicker to create a. Jar with the libraries I would need for the eclipse it would be exported to. The jar in Intelliji would be the same, but it's named artefact and then imported to dependencies.
Creating this app made me consider the user experience, from how the user interacts with the layout, how to avoid app crashes (try Catch).